I wish I could smoke...at the age of 19 after smoking for about 7 years I randomly got anxiety and pot made it 9999999999999x worst
I tried every strain I could just to be sure.
But I still love growing knowi g ot helps people or just makes them happy and watch my babbies blossom! SOMETIMES ill take a few hits on xanax but without it i cant. sucks. I heard this happen to other ppl too. I wonder why.
And thanks for the support guys...I the other night kinda "talked" to her. And explained I love her but I got to move on. Im a ylung man andif I stay like I was I may as well dig a hole and die too. And I cant. I hav too much left to do. I know she woulda understood.
Edit: Recently I wrote the friend of hers who made her scholarahip and expressed how kind he was for doing that a d we talked abit. Seems like a nice guy. In HS he was like super well known as tye "gay friend" to many. I thought he was annoying but now I think hes a cool guy. Lesson learned to not judge a book
ANYWAY: ENOUGH MORBIDNESS! I start work tommorow and its the first job I had since I quit selling drugs
union and benefits! Confession is im nervous! But in a good way!