The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Humidity was crazy high today 80% so I turned off my humidifier n put in a little fillable dehumidifier into the tent...damn gf drying clothes in MY room lol she knows she's not allowed during 12/12.
If that's one of those aldi things ,dont even bother using it, piece o crap like most aldi/lidl tools/electrical junk.


Well-Known Member
we have a good few about the house of em cheap ones...ive an electric one but the gf stole it so imma try n get a second hand one... somehow if not ill have to part with 60 odd bucks lol has to be done sadly., was re doing my LST n decided to see how light proof my tent is since i can see light escaping from the zip whilst lights on n just wanted to make sure...couldnt see a fucking thing only via ducting (for intake) but ive some insulated ducting somewhere that will sus it out n if im 2 lazy ill duct tape some of the ducting haha.i use avg free edition n never had a problem...EVER! forgot to ask bud if you have anything on the go or did i ? went for a meal with the gf last night.. FUCKING 32 EURO FOR HER SCALLOPS MAIN LOL but shit was tasty

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Freeze a pot of water that way it slowly evaporates.

you don`t get enough evaporation from it, better idea to lay out the tray, better surface area for exaporation, also it`ll collect all the fine dust particles that settle on the water... the pot also if not frost proof could crack open....


Well-Known Member
Id have thought as the heat from the lights would melt gradually. Oh well n I was on about a metal pot, say one ud do a stew in or something like that as I thought his grow space was limited. Oh wellls lol have to get some more legal smoke soon...yay :(


Well-Known Member
G'day all.Grow all sounds good there @R31. Duct tape the world is my motto.Thanks for the link @bud. I use kav but I think I have another 200 days left with my cracked key.@ae86. Planty still suffering. Woke up this morning and back to being incredibly wilted. Head is wrecked. Temp is 24-25. That just leaves humidity and airflow I think, Anyone have any idea's?


Well-Known Member
Have you drainage holes in that pot? When did you last water and have you fed it any nutrients lately? Sometimes they droop when the environment changes suddenly for example I had my dbxl 3 potted in a reg pot that's lower than the airpots so I had it propped on a lil pot that I start seedlings in to level it out but now since its grown alot I took it off the lil pot so now its drooping a little.


Well-Known Member
we have a good few about the house of em cheap ones...ive an electric one but the gf stole it so imma try n get a second hand one... somehow if not ill have to part with 60 odd bucks lol has to be done sadly., was re doing my LST n decided to see how light proof my tent is since i can see light escaping from the zip whilst lights on n just wanted to make sure...couldnt see a fucking thing only via ducting (for intake) but ive some insulated ducting somewhere that will sus it out n if im 2 lazy ill duct tape some of the ducting haha.i use avg free edition n never had a problem...EVER! forgot to ask bud if you have anything on the go or did i ? went for a meal with the gf last night.. FUCKING 32 EURO FOR HER SCALLOPS MAIN LOL but shit was tasty
By cheap ones u mean disacant(silicone beads) ones do u?
Try speaker cloth for ducting, will let air through but block light.
Nothing growing at the mo, one to two grows a year is more than enough for me.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the low quality. Have charger for newer cam ordered.
There is not alot wrong with them plants. Looks like overwatering or badly draining soil. Stick tour finger well into the soil and should feel slightly moist, leave plants until top of soil is dry/crumbly and 2 inch down just slightly damp or nearly dry, then water.


Well-Known Member
By cheap ones u mean disacant(silicone beads) ones do u?
Try speaker cloth for ducting, will let air through but block light.
Nothing growing at the mo, one to two grows a year is more than enough for me.
we keep those ones in the wardrobe lol I've got better grade ones that actually collect noticable amounts of water n I have a 1kg pack of crystal for em as their refillable cost around ten euro for the dehumidifier thing. That's what im hoping to do myself say maybe 2 crops a year but now im toying with clones lol thing is I'll never sell ( this is in my opinion why ppl mainly get caught) it that beast I have is male I won't clone n the smoke off the 4 -3 others will keep me going a while but saying that I smoke ALOT.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
R3 its all about surface area with evaporation but he bucket a good idea dude, thing with ice is it will also lower temps aswell...

gd... the guys are on the right track its eiher holding too much water or its an airation problem, long knitting needle or likewise device and push it slowly to the bottom (or as close to it) of the pot maybe in several locaions around the pot...

that said there looking good, there a great colour and that in itself says alot about a cannabis plant, the wilting can be there for awhile or the rest of your grow but apart from the visual droop they look good...

can i ask did you water straight from the tap or wit water that was perhaps really cold???? a little shock like that can cause drooping and slight clawing aswell...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
we keep those ones in the wardrobe lol I've got better grade ones that actually collect noticable amounts of water n I have a 1kg pack of crystal for em as their refillable cost around ten euro for the dehumidifier thing. That's what im hoping to do myself say maybe 2 crops a year but now im toying with clones lol thing is I'll never sell ( this is in my opinion why ppl mainly get caught) it that beast I have is male I won't clone n the smoke off the 4 -3 others will keep me going a while but saying that I smoke ALOT.

its my crutch so i smoke a hell of alot aswell.... when you say about the male? are you breeding it or tossing it? if your cloneing then its a full time job, raiseing mothers, cloneing then either flowering mothers or takein more clones... lots of work too it dude...

are the aldi dehumidifiers any good? are they electrical or the silca packs?


Well-Known Member
its my crutch so i smoke a hell of alot aswell.... when you say about the male? are you breeding it or tossing it? if your cloneing then its a full time job, raiseing mothers, cloneing then either flowering mothers or takein more clones... lots of work too it dude...

are the aldi dehumidifiers any good? are they electrical or the silca packs?
nah im trying not to get my hopes up so im just saying there's a good chance its a male but if it isn't im VERY tempted buuut this is personal so not much point since im not selling..first world problem lads lol the tiny ones are shite but we use em since we got em the good one I got off eBay was Kontrol 500g moisture traps and a big ass refill thing...silica based btw lol

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just watched the new paranormal..."the marked ones" and what a complete waste of time...

going to have to get an electrical one i`m thinking, the gel and crystal methods just don`t seem to have the punch i need, there effective as in there maxxed out with moisture ... and its not cost effective to continue there is a bit of an outlay on a decent model but it looks like i`ll have to sffer that blister.. and sure i`ve gotten away with doing it the cheap way for this long hahahahaha.....


Well-Known Member
The aldi dehumidifier (Delta brand) is useless and makes little or no difference. good ones start around 300E and use alot off power but work well
ae don't harass the postman today LOL


Well-Known Member
just watched the new paranormal..."the marked ones" and what a complete waste of time...

going to have to get an electrical one i`m thinking, the gel and crystal methods just don`t seem to have the punch i need, there effective as in there maxxed out with moisture ... and its not cost effective to continue there is a bit of an outlay on a decent model but it looks like i`ll have to sffer that blister.. and sure i`ve gotten away with doing it the cheap way for this long hahahahaha.....
the electronic one I have is from Argos @ 66 odd euro n its been great till my gf took it n its sorted her out 2 haha
from putting my lil cheap one in my grow tent its down to 68% so that's a nice drop.