New York juror form includes negro

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
how is chocolates offensive or even darkies? i really don't find either of those terms offensive, after all, black people have brown skin, not black, so chocolate kinda makes sense, as does darky imo..
sambo, i'll have to look up what and where that word comes from to come up with a legit answer.. words only have power if people allow them to.
From Islamic Hausa of Nigeria meaning second son. At one time it was as popular as say Charlie.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
how old would you have to be to be able to function outside of the womb as an independent being red? i'd think, maybe 5 months minimum, and more likely 6 or so, no?
i've never heard of a normal abortion performed on a 5 or 6 month old fetus, unless of course it was a medical reason to do so..
21 weeks, yet the law is 24.


Well-Known Member
Fin Sylvan and Finwilly

I love how that just rolls off the tongue so smoothly.

I'm building myself a nice little Fin family here.

Finthere, Finsid33, Fin Sylvan, Finwilly.

At the same time, I feel like I'm being offensive to Finspooogy, I miss that poor guy. I wonder if his sister is doing ok.


bud bootlegger
Fin Sylvan and Finwilly

I love how that just rolls off the tongue so smoothly.

I'm building myself a nice little Fin family here.

Finthere, Finsid33, Fin Sylvan, Finwilly.

At the same time, I feel like I'm being offensive to Finspooogy, I miss that poor guy. I wonder if his sister is doing ok.
finwilly, lmao, that one's great. not saying i agree or disagree wtih the association, just saying it's funny as poo..


Well-Known Member
Not true. Mark Twain wrote, "my nigger friend, Jim" He was an abolishionist. It was just the term back then.
Not dumb parents. Fucked up government. They want to be nazis, who cares! If you don't like it, again who cares. It's none of your concern. Just don't associate with people you don't like. I learned that in pre-school. You do your own thing and leave other people the hell alone. This is why so many thousands die in the military, Americans as a whole don't understand the simple concept of mind your own business. I would think 100% of marijuana advocates would understand.

Another thing, they're home schooled. They only hang around other Aryan Nation children. If the children want to change their name once they turn 18, that's their choice.

There is no proof there was abuse. Any proof was denied by a gag order. Gag orders are supposed protect victims. In this case it's to protect a racist government who denies freedom the constitution protects. The government is the boogie man. This bullshit is on par with countries like Poland who imprison holocaust deniers for stating an opinion. It doesn't matter if in your opinion it's the wrong one. It's just as racist to imprison racists for opinion alone. You're imprisoned for acts, otherwise it's at most defamation and a civil matter. Other backward countries have laws denying unpopular opinion in order to enslave it's people, like how the North Korean government teaches fairy tales about how once a pine cone transmuted into a grenade, saving many. You go to prison if you call bullshit. This isn't supposed to happen in America, the not so great anymore
Can you guess who said that? Canna?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Fin Sylvan and Finwilly

I love how that just rolls off the tongue so smoothly.

I'm building myself a nice little Fin family here.

Finthere, Finsid33, Fin Sylvan, Finwilly.

At the same time, I feel like I'm being offensive to Finspooogy, I miss that poor guy. I wonder if his sister is doing ok.
What's your problem? I'm prolife and minimum wage causes inflation for the poor but the rich get richer no matter what??