First time grower. How close do you think i am until harvest time?


New Member
As I said, this is my first grow so I'm not too knowledgeable on timing my harvest correctly. I'd like to wait as long as possible to increase it's potency. The buds have become pretty thick along the top of the plant, but development has seemed slow throughout the rest of the plant. I'd like to see the other colas grow quite a bit before I harvest. Do you guys think I will see much more growth out of them, if so then how much? How much longer do you think I can flower it for before I harvest? And finally, how much do you guys think I'll get from this plant after curing? As always, thanks for all the help you guys!



Well-Known Member

you really need to do some reading.
how long have they been in flower?

the pistols (hairs) are all still white. this usually indicates that they have a long way to go. next time, top the plant or tie them down for a shorter plant with more bud sites.

get to reading or you'll fuck up your first harvest by cutting them way too early.

you spend months growing something, maybe a few hours to learn about what is going on would be good.


Well-Known Member
Hairs are not, and never will be, an indicator of ripeness. Trichs are the only true way to tell. I would say you have at least 2, if not 3, more weeks.


Well-Known Member
Hairs are not, and never will be, an indicator of ripeness. Trichs are the only true way to tell. I would say you have at least 2, if not 3, more weeks.

we used to always go by the hairs. then somebody started talking crazy talk about these trich things. :)

although not used as an indicator by most anymore, it's still a great way to know if you have a long way to go or not on most of the genetics out there. i figured he'd do some reading and stumble on the info on trichs sooner or later.


New Member
Well I have in fact done plenty of research on the topic. I figured a few opinions would be helpful in solidifying what I've read and since I was creating a new thread I thought I might as well include all the questions I could think of. It's been flowering for about a month so far. Would anybody else like to chime in?