Well-Known Member
For the light that's easy, light bouncing off of the ground will of course illuminate him. It also depends highly on the camera, exposure length, etc...
I didn't see wires, just lens flare and flashes.
As for the dangling thing, can you see his left toe being pushed into the ground? In the moons gravity, you can do some crazy shit on your tip toes.
I dont doubt the flouride, STOP BRINGING IT UP FOOL! *stuffs the bong in your mouth*

I didn't see wires, just lens flare and flashes.
As for the dangling thing, can you see his left toe being pushed into the ground? In the moons gravity, you can do some crazy shit on your tip toes.
I dont doubt the flouride, STOP BRINGING IT UP FOOL! *stuffs the bong in your mouth*