First ever grow in a PCBox


Active Member
I believe she's too small to be pruned.. Just my opinion..
There are really no leaves that could get zero light as I can see from the pictures.

Really nice work. Though I strongly believe your missing top was the case for your upcoming yield!
Cheers mate! ;-)
Yeah i don't think you should either, just because of the accidental topping. Trust me i know how hard it is to just leave her alone, an let her do her own thing. I personally suck at it.. Its the worst when i catch my self doing too much, an end up killing one or two..


Active Member
What they said.

Both my PC grows woulda been so much better had I not got prune-happy at points.


Well-Known Member
I believe she's too small to be pruned.. Just my opinion..
There are really no leaves that could get zero light as I can see from the pictures.

Really nice work. Though I strongly believe your missing top was the case for your upcoming yield!
Cheers mate! ;-)
What do you mean case for the upcoming yield? :P


Active Member
They're all looking sooooo healthy and happy! :D no need for trimmage here :p just wait for em to die of naturaly and then cut em off.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so it's day 50 today for me, got some more photos, got some of where im hiding her, if any of u are interested how im hiding it lol. Theres an air inlet next to my PC if u can see it in a picture? It's on the wall, gets a sweet amount of fresh air in my room ^_^


Heres some photos of the yellowing leaves, glad i turned the contrast up You can see the severity of the yellowing, is this anything to be concerned about? from looking at the other leaves?

Is there anything I can do without buying anything else? I'm rather strapped for cash.

I don't want info on PH really, I know about how PH varies but I don't intend on thinking about PH in this grow.

Heres some pics of the Buds.


I was reading the other day about food colouring plants during growth, so I added a bit of red while watering, (dw i'm not going to claim it to be some kinda purp or w/e) Just wanted to try see if anything happens, I think the end of all the leaves going darker is a result to this lol Idk.



Active Member
My man smatz, it could really be a pH problem, but I ain't throwing info if you don't wanna hear it.

Though what I would do is prune the yellowing leaves, but it's just me.

You're looking good!



Well-Known Member
My man smatz, it could really be a pH problem, but I ain't throwing info if you don't wanna hear it.

Though what I would do is prune the yellowing leaves, but it's just me.

You're looking good!

The information isn't unwanted, I just have limited access to things really, anything I can buy online is good! Can't really get about much.

Passed week iv'e had to water with tap water, no rain here lol. I got some rain water now, Should this help at all?(hope)
Im excited for your yield bro, and your in your first grow fucking awesome. Hoe are you collecting your rain water just a cup or bucket? Hope everything is well with your girl :)

Spanky's Monkey

Active Member
smatz, the problem with pH is that it can very wildly and extreme ranges are killers. Just had to fight a bout of my pH being to low, I added to much acid, must have been like 5.2......bad for soil. My tap comes out at 7.8 pH, this is so high the ladies can't feed right no matter how much food you add in the mix. Your resources may be limited but if you ignore pH then you're intentionally ignoring the general health of your grow.


Active Member
Yes, rain water is great!! It does the job!!

pH down even for aquariums is the thing!! And a cheap pH meter is great!!



Well-Known Member
Ive been collecting rain water from our garden on various stoned ventures. We have a pond so the waters oxigenated and is probably best from there lol(ihope)

Still persuing the food colouring idea, not read anywhere that it effects the smoke, but this is all a test :P Thought I may as well try as many things on my first grow :p


Well-Known Member

Ok so the buds are looking a bit more frosty which is nice, The edges of the leaves seem to be going red/orange, Is this a problem, or is this my food colouring idea working? Idk.

Also planted a Quick one, this ones going to be an experiment really, Gonna keep it in that pot and see how big it gets, hopefully it'll yield more than an 1/8th and then I might think about doing a small auto flower rotation, 2 every week or so in there. Any thoughts are wanted ^_^
