To Scrog or Not to Scrog


I have 2x White widow x skunk #1, 1 sage n sour (fem), 1 darkstar (fem), 1 Northern lights (fem), 2 ice

Pictures below

I'm at week 4 from seed, I know sex is usually showing around 40-50 days (about another 2 weeks of veg).

Nutrients are at about 500ppm

400w MH/HPS

So I'm curious since I have so many plants is it worth just switching to flower now and not bothering with a scrog?


Should I wait for sex to show in veg, pull the males and then train the plants into those spaces that have become available before switching to 12/12?


Is it worth switching to flower now and training scrog in first 2 weeks while also pulling any males?

I realize I probably filled the space with to many plants but I have seen similar grows with many small plants in a confined space and I am just learning hydro at the moment so just trying to get through to flower and get a decent yield from this grow.

Still want to pull about 6 clones of the sage n sour, 6 of darkstar. Northern lights I may move out to my veg closet DWC as a mother plant if I switch to flower.

If you have experience with scrog and can give me your opinion what you think is best for my grow space and best outcome for yields I would appreciate it.


Active Member
I would not force flower so early, due to the fact you could stress the plants into becoming hermies. I would wait until first signs of sex before switching to flower, and then SCROG it up.


Active Member
Also, if you are worried about plant height, you can begin LST on your plants, which will help with SCROG when you finally do flower. This personally I believe would be the best method. Start training LST on them now, while they are still vegging, then at first signs of sex, pull the males, and begin your SCROG.


Already started training the two white widow plants as they are the first from seed and the biggest, I have been LST them into spaces I want them to go.


Active Member
Already started training the two white widow plants as they are the first from seed and the biggest, I have been LST them into spaces I want them to go.
I would continue with LST as you are doing. As I said above, don't trigger too early or you risk hermies, and then your crop becomes worthless.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure plant don't show sex before flowering they can show "preflowers", but i don't believe you can determine sex by those. Plants are generally considered mature enough for lowering when they start producing alternating nodes, meaning branches don't form in parallel pairs but alternate - left,right,left up the stem. i love the concept of scrog but i don't think id do it unless i had confirmed fems, the though of putting in weeks of effort only to have to chop an intertwined plant out of a screen doesn't appeal to me.