how is it looking? first grow bag seeds


They are on day 14 of 12/12 lights. just some bag seeds from some mid grade weed. had 20, 8 were males so i tossed em this is what is left.

using 1000w mh light. my hps bulb blew out the second day of flowering so i just stuck with the mh since i am low on money to buy another bulb



looking good ;-)
Thanks! This was just kind of a test run and learning as I go. I am using fox farm ocean forrest medium with no nutes and just using plain tap water. Next grow i will use nutes and some few different things. any tips are appreciated!


Day 29 of flowering, since my first post one started growing balls, i didnt check on them for 2 days and came back to find atleast 20 pods forming so i cut that plant. Dog got into the room and ate a bunch of the fan leaves off multiple plants and knocked one over and out the po. lights were off for about 6 hours when the dog got in there and i had to turn them on to clean up the mess so when i turned them on i just switched that to be the beginning of the 12 hours. how are they looking?



Well-Known Member
Totally normal, a little patience, some water. A little food, and a healthy respect
for the plant is all it takes. You've obviously have done this so well done.
my first grow was a disaster because I thought more more more will make it
better. Your miles ahead of most new growers!




Well-Known Member
How long did you veg them for brother? Looks nice, im working on some bagseeds as we speak. Like 7 days into flowering


Well-Known Member
While they look good, you should have had much better growth for a 5-6 week veg period. But all in all I'd say it's a success for a first grow.

Keep learning and definitely get some nutes next time. I'd recommend a "General Organics GO-Box", about $30, has everything you need for veg and flower plus some extra good stuff. All organic so you can re-use your soil which will also save you money.

Find some $ and get that HPS !!!!!


While they look good, you should have had much better growth for a 5-6 week veg period. But all in all I'd say it's a success for a first grow.

Keep learning and definitely get some nutes next time. I'd recommend a "General Organics GO-Box", about $30, has everything you need for veg and flower plus some extra good stuff. All organic so you can re-use your soil which will also save you money.

Find some $ and get that HPS !!!!!
They got stressed alot, i started them 4 in a couple pots and then 3 in the rest and they were only growing under 2 20w fluros for the first 3 weeks and they got root bound, soon as i put them under the mh they started growing nice. Soon as I harvest them im going to get a new hps light, and start using nutes aswell