Humidity help...


Well-Known Member
Howdy folks...

I'm about to start my first grow, but have a potential problem. I live in a climate at appx. 7000ft with very, very low humidity.

Any DIY tips on keeping the humidity up in a 3x3 Home Grow Box/Tent? I will have appx. 4 plants, FF soil & nutrients, 3 or 5 gallon plastic pots, a switchable 400MH/HPS light, 180ish cfm fan with carbon filter, and a small fan on the floor for air movement.

The humidity here is rarely above 15% and my potential grow area temp averages appx 70-78F (night to day)...but I assuming the tent will be a bit higher since it is a contained space.

I would like to get to 40-50%. Any humidity generating tips would be appreciated. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I live in a similar climate but only at about 5500'. Now I'm no expert but I have grown in this type of humidity. First your babies may need to be in a humidity chamber until about 2 wks. It should be over 70-90% RH in there. This may help the seed to turn female but that's another argument waiting to happen. It's worked for me. During veg stage the plants will emit humidity to some degree but usually it's hard to keep the humidity up there when you are trying to keep the room cool. I've used a humidifier before but it's like pissing into the wind. Usually my grow room is at 20-22% RH and I have 3-4 grows under my belt so it can be done but I’m sure higher humidity would have increased yield, potency, and general plant health.

On another note, I do use a humidifier when curing otherwise the weed turns to powder. I run about 45% RH in the curing closet for 7-10 days then the buds go into burping jars.


Well-Known Member
Thanks!! I don't think keeping the seeds and seedlings moist will be a prob with the hooded seed start chamber I have...

Tell me more about the curing...

I will be using the same tent with screens, my filter fan, and small clip airflow fan. What type of humidifer do you use? Doesn't the herb stay perpetually 'moist' in the drying area if you use a humidifer...hence never drying? That said, it sounds like it makes sense...a gradual process with some background moisture so it isn't so immediate and drastic.

Thanks again and am looking forward to hearing about your high altitude drying...



Well-Known Member
Oh, I was a bit stoned and forgot to mention that you could use an enclosed air cooled light then you wouldn't need to vent out so much air that you could use a humidifier in you room. Look at some of the posts that mention lights and accessories, etc. that can show those types of lights. You prolly know about them? HTG Supply?

Anyway, curing I can sort-of help with. I set my humidifier at 55% and it keeps my closet at around 43%-45% RH. (The RH of my house is always around 20-25%) This is what Jorge Cervantes book recommends - 45-55% RH in the curing room. I got the humidifier at Wally World and it was only $35. It had a control to set the humidity level up to 65%. It holds about 2 gal. of water and last about 6-8 days in my closet (6' X 4' X 7'). The buds are in semi-open cardboard boxes hanging on floss. I don't use fans but my quantity is very small, under 2 oz. Anything over that you may need some air circulation but not directly blowing on the buds. Keep it dark in there for curing @ 65 F -75 F.

MY other cures didn't work out as I only put the buds in cardboard boxes hanging from dental floss and put them in a cold garage (winter temp in garage @ 55 F, RH 25%). I didn't have any mold as they dried out too fast and I had a lot of green buds and they were a bit harsh. I'm sure there are better growers that can help you out, just my limited experience 2 cents worth. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Moldy!! Sounds like you live in the same region or nearby. I've made some notes and will definately be using your advice. BTW, how many days did you cure for? Hell, a loaf of bread is harder than a brick in six I'm definately taking all the guidance I can get.

I am familar with HTG and a few others. I'm staggering my orders and compiling my equipment over time. I've looked at the tubed light systems with the fan attached...that is probably the direction I will go...but raising and lowering seems like it might be does switching for MH to HPS bulbs when it is time to flower. I'll call HTG and see what they say...



Well-Known Member
I cured for 6 days at 43% (+/- 3%) in the closet. The buds are a bit loose on the plant I just chopped but if they were denser I probably would have gone 7-8 days. The outer parts of the bud start getting crusty to the touch, that's when it's close to throwing them into the burp jar.

I just chopped my last skunkberry 20 minutes ago. I staggered the harvest (1 wk) so I can see what diff there is if I wait a week. I have probs with that strain finishing on time. It should have been ready 2-3 wks ago!! Oh well, still learning, good luck!


Well-Known Member
Howdy folks...

I'm about to start my first grow, but have a potential problem. I live in a climate at appx. 7000ft with very, very low humidity.

Any DIY tips on keeping the humidity up in a 3x3 Home Grow Box/Tent? I will have appx. 4 plants, FF soil & nutrients, 3 or 5 gallon plastic pots, a switchable 400MH/HPS light, 180ish cfm fan with carbon filter, and a small fan on the floor for air movement.

The humidity here is rarely above 15% and my potential grow area temp averages appx 70-78F (night to day)...but I assuming the tent will be a bit higher since it is a contained space.

I would like to get to 40-50%. Any humidity generating tips would be appreciated. :peace:

the best thing to do is get a fogger u can get them at ur local pond shop and they help to keep up the hum to wat ever u want it at im still tryin to figure out to keep it at 74 and not 100 but a fogger will have ur rh up in 5 minutes try it


Active Member
Get a humdifyer or just spray some water around your grow area and leave an open bucket of water out. That will evaporate and raise humidity.


Well-Known Member
Thanks grodrowithme and weedski!! I think I'll try a humidifier and/or a 3 gallon bucket of H20 in front of my circulation fan first. If that doesn't work, I'll start looking online for pond supply shops.

Just out of curiousity, has anyone ever added nutrients to a fogger system? A crazy thought...

Thanks again for the help...:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks grodrowithme and weedski!! I think I'll try a humidifier and/or a 3 gallon bucket of H20 in front of my circulation fan first. If that doesn't work, I'll start looking online for pond supply shops.

Just out of curiousity, has anyone ever added nutrients to a fogger system? A crazy thought...

Thanks again for the help...:peace:

smart thinking if ur flowering and using a fogger or a humidifer ( wich i dont reccomend thats wat i started with and switched to the fogger) but yes u can put ur bloom nutes in and it acts like a foliar feed


Well-Known Member you think a fogger would be too much in a 3.5x3.5 grow tent?

I'm afraid I'll go from desert climate to a micro-swamp inside!! Are you using a large or small space?

Thanks for the help...:peace:


Well-Known Member
I use a combination of a humidifier and a de-humididfier to keep my RH at optimal levels
:o:shock:NO FUCKIN' WAY!:shock::o

But seriously, a 25$ ultrasonic fogger ( a small metallic disk, not a party fog machine) would be perfect for your size. If anything it would be too small and you could add another, sounds great.

I would be stoked about growing high altitude weed though, that shit is the boooomb. And when your going to harvest let that flowering room lose its humitdity. I would kill for 10% humidity in my flowering room.


Well-Known Member
:o:shock:NO FUCKIN' WAY!:shock::o

But seriously, a 25$ ultrasonic fogger ( a small metallic disk, not a party fog machine) would be perfect for your size. If anything it would be too small and you could add another, sounds great.

I would be stoked about growing high altitude weed though, that shit is the boooomb. And when your going to harvest let that flowering room lose its humitdity. I would kill for 10% humidity in my flowering room.
Sounds sweet...thanks for the recommendation!!

Anybody know where I could pick up one of these ultra-sonic foggers? Would nutrients be okay in this piece of equipment?

Let me know...I'm stoked about this idea!!!



Well-Known Member you think a fogger would be too much in a 3.5x3.5 grow tent?

I'm afraid I'll go from desert climate to a micro-swamp inside!! Are you using a large or small space?

Thanks for the help...:peace:

a pond supply shop is your best bet my girlfriend works at 1 and she gets all my pumps 4 my hydro setups and lots of equipment all u do is get a bucket of water and the little fogger the only problem u will have is keeping water in the bucket and ur humidity at a steady 70 to 76 while veggin and 35 to 45 while flowering but i sloved this problem with a humidity controller that u can get at any local gro shop like worms way etc and u put in wat u want it to be and when it gets there it will kick off send me a personal message for more onfo fell free to ask away thats wat this site is for


Active Member
Just came across this thread.. Hey I can't seem to keep humididty up in my new grow space in dry basement 25% RH. Tired of filling up humidifier, I know not optimal but can ladies grow in such low humidity? ( i can keep them humid while in seedling stage. But like from 2 weeks on?