Club 600 NFL 2013


Well-Known Member
Oh man,
The 9ers and seahawks game was pretty damn good! Of course the Broncos game was awesome (fuck ya) they played tight for 60. Soak it in the bowl will be good, it's Peyton's year!
I just hated to see Bowman get hurt like he did, else today was an awesome day for football!


Well-Known Member
Yeah bowman went full gumby like rg3 and Anderson silva. Hate to see that happen, don't wish it on any player. Hope he comes back strong next year.


Well-Known Member
Almost had a heart attack. Sherman is the man, the one time KAep threw his direction he made him pay.
Really.! Sherman is a bitch.!! and the second he opened his mouth after the game he proved it..
Kaep won the whole first half by himself.. It's only right he gave up the second the same way.. (Lmao with tears) Any Seattle fan that won't give them respect after there outstanding performance and loss tonight can kiss my ass..
Bravo Seattle fans...! The twelfth man does it again...


Well-Known Member
Really.! Sherman is a bitch.!! and the second he opened his mouth after the game he proved it..
Kaep won the whole first half by himself.. It's only right he gave up the second the same way.. (Lmao with tears) Any Seattle fan that won't give them respect after there outstanding performance and loss tonight can kiss my ass..
Bravo Seattle fans...! The twelfth man does it again...
I give mad respect for your team. I was terrified of the niners...these teams are 1a and 1b...I figured the winner of this games wins the super bowl.

Sherman made his play, and got a stiff arm to the face after the end of the game by Crabtree. He got interview 30 seconds later and was heated. The interview he did with the Fox crew he had calmed down and presented himself well. But you probably didn't pay any attention to that did you?

tiny roach

Active Member
Damn that hurt to watch.
The Patriots game really was painful to watch.

I at least expected better from them...............I've been batting 500 all season, so , today fits right in with my pix , this season.

If I take a team , to win it all, I will only jinx them , so I'm just going to watch the damn game and enjoy it, and may the best team win, even if I DO have a preference,.........

I'm shutting the hell up on who it is this time............:-P


Well-Known Member
I give mad respect for your team. I was terrified of the niners...these teams are 1a and 1b...I figured the winner of this games wins the super bowl.

Sherman made his play, and got a stiff arm to the face after the end of the game by Crabtree. He got interview 30 seconds later and was heated. The interview he did with the Fox crew he had calmed down and presented himself well. But you probably didn't pay any attention to that did you?
hell no I didn't see that second interview... I turned off the TV and got high... Haha
Crabtree handled himself poorly with that arm to the face, and you did good by me giving respect..


Well-Known Member
We'll see how well the Seahawks play 11 on 11 in the Super Bowl. They almost got beat with 12........


Active Member
Looking forward to the Super Bowl being played in the north in a stadium without a dome and hope the weather is a big factor


Well-Known Member
We'll see how well the Seahawks play 11 on 11 in the Super Bowl. They almost got beat with 12........
Keep grasping at that. The hawks were 6-2 on the road. And haven't lost by more than one score in Pete's tenure, home or away! Git yer faks strite!!! Beside the 12s travel well, so I'm sure we'll be represented pretty good. Beast mode will get has chance to feed against the broncos.


Well-Known Member
Sherman will have his hands full, the match up should be pretty epic really. Stats say Broncos by one!?! If we plat tight in all phases it will be a legit win, I respect what the Seahawks bring to the show but the sheriff's in town!


Well-Known Member
They have a rule in the NFL called "Unsportsmanlike conduct".....they should re-name it the Richard Sherman foul, because he exemplifies it.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i just can't believe more people are not agreeing with what Sherman said after the game. totally true. why the fuck would a qb throw to that side? montana doesn't make that pass, manning don't make that throw, fuck even brady isn't looking that way. he ruined the game and has a lot of 49er fans pissed. its so bad where if u fuck up now, people r saying u " u just pulled a keapernick "

tiny roach

Active Member
Seattle/ Denver match up............both "Legal Weed " states...........say anything to you ?

*Weed Bowl *:leaf:

I have to say Seahawks, but I hadn't planned to say...........I didn't wanna jinx them , and a lot of my pix , were jinxed this year, announcing , in an N F L thread, who I thought would win.

Odds against my pix !!!!!!!!!!!!1


Well-Known Member
i just can't believe more people are not agreeing with what Sherman said after the game. totally true. why the fuck would a qb throw to that side? montana doesn't make that pass, manning don't make that throw, fuck even brady isn't looking that way. he ruined the game and has a lot of 49er fans pissed. its so bad where if u fuck up now, people r saying u " u just pulled a keapernick "
More like show a picture of Sherman and "Don't be that guy!"........