Weed In The Wild..."pics"


Well-Known Member
ok. i think im gunna go with the cow.

are you supposed to add it to the soil? or put it on top around the plant?

maybe even soak it in water let it dissolve then use it every now and again as Nuets?
you can probably do all of that .. but i would mix it in the soil .. and i would ask the farmer before you would go into his field lol ask if he would care if you got some cow manure for ur garden


Well-Known Member

it will be cool. i can just hop the fence at night and scoop up a lil.

i think im gunna try to Soak it in a gallon of water for a couple days then water it with that and see how that works? b/c then it would still be gettin into the soil plus with water.

it may be a new way to use Natueral Nuets.


Well-Known Member

it will be cool. i can just hop the fence at night and scoop up a lil.

i think im gunna try to Soak it in a gallon of water for a couple days then water it with that and see how that works? b/c then it would still be gettin into the soil plus with water.

it may be a new way to use Natueral Nuets.
maybe that would be cool .. but i am updating my journal with pics today.. take a look


Well-Known Member

ok Ok. just got back from a walk to the Patch...

thier were ants all over my big Plant but i killed them all haha. "lil son-of-a-Bicthes"

just water'd them b/c im not sure when its gunna rain again.

ALSO!. i topped the right side of the Big One. and you can see the two branches about to form out. but my camera could not get a good enough pic to see.

and if you notice. thiers a new branch growing outta the bottom of the Big Plant so that means it slipts off into 3 diff branches right outta the ground =].

Check it.



Well-Known Member
No Worries Gilfman.

as soon as that rain stops and that sun comes out. thier gunna shoot back to life.

its kinda amazing to see.


Well-Known Member
whys that?
rain and pests .. hasnt been steady but thats just a part of growing .. they will come alive tomorrow and wedsnesday ... ill check them tomorrow to make sure bugs are clear and no animals in the plot (again) .. but i still have like 2.5 months of vegging to go


Well-Known Member
its nothing.

my plants even as babies would go threw major Rainstorms and be pelted to the ground with broken stalks...still come back to life.

its a weed.


Well-Known Member
its nothing.

my plants even as babies would go threw major Rainstorms and be pelted to the ground with broken stalks...still come back to life.

its a weed.
yeah ... i know i know .. its not so much the rain as the clouds that come with it .. it hasnt been sunny in about a week and i can tell .. but they will come back