Hang up and drive


Well-Known Member
no cell phone while your driving starting tomorrow. CHP is gonna be having a field day. they said everyone had plenty of time to prepare so they won't be bothering with "warnings". you're gonna get a ticket. :evil:
hook it up over the radio, bluetooth... :)

* edit * did u hear that on your cop spy thing :D ?
but then people wont be able to change cds or radio stations while talking on the cell. lol:mrgreen:

seriously, i see more highschool girls texting while driving.
they make me nervous
but then people wont be able to change cds or radio stations while talking on the cell. lol:mrgreen:

seriously, i see more highschool girls texting while driving.
they make me nervous

why would u listen to music when someones talking to you :) ????
Whenever i see them I pull up to them, put my hand to my ear like a phone, and talk as loud a i can about how much of an asshole i am for talking on the phone and driving.
why would u listen to music when someones talking to you :) ????

i wouldnt but i dont talk on my phone in the car either. :mrgreen:
why would you talk on the phone when your driving?

people think just because their phone rings they must answer it, i say nah i'll call back later or theyll leave a message.
Thats a good thing,something needs to be done about cell phone idiots & that stupid bluetooth is not the answer, nor is any other hands free telephone device.

More people are hurt everyday due to cell phone junkies than mj,toss them fukers out the window.
i wouldnt but i dont talk on my phone in the car either. :mrgreen:
why would you talk on the phone when your driving?

people think just because their phone rings they must answer it, i say nah i'll call back later or theyll leave a message.

If i had a car i think i would hook it up with bluetooth :mrgreen: Dont like calling ppl back, costs me ^^ :hump:
people think just because their phone rings they must answer it, i say nah i'll call back later or theyll leave a message.

My cell rings ATLEAST 100 times a day,no shit,i hate that f-ing thing,i let all calls go to voice mail & screen them all at the end of the day,out of all the calls i get maybe 5 are worth responding to,all the others are from people who could have answered their own question by reading the material ive supplied to them,instead they call because they think its easier for them.

First thing im doing when i retire is taking a sledge hammer to that phone.:twisted:
Thats a good thing,something needs to be done about cell phone idiots & that stupid bluetooth is not the answer, nor is any other hands free telephone device.

More people are hurt everyday due to cell phone junkies than mj,toss them fukers out the window.

^^ lol....... Well.... I see ya point when u get 100 calls a day :spew:
I disagree. The bluetooth headset is a valid answer to this problem. You still have both hands free and you can actually swivel your head around fine with the headset. Either way, if you're texting on your phone while driving, you should be shot in the back of the head. If you're holding your phone up to your ear while driving, it's not as bad as texting but still bad, you should be run off the road until you're finished with your conversation. I almost got hit twice by people holding their phone up to their ear. I've never almost been hit by someone with a bluetooth headset in. Most people just need to learn whether or not they can multitask. I am one of those people who can multitask very well thanks to having some OCD tendencies. I can literally keep up with 5 simple things at once and not lose my train of thought. With complicated stuff I try to keep it under 3 things at a time.
The problem with bluetooth is attention span,we've all been into stores where cashiers are talking into thin air with a bluetooth chained to their face,they dont have a single clue whats going on around them,if i was a thief every time i saw one of those attendants talking with a bluetooth i'd clean the whole place out,then walk right past them & they'd be clueless.

Its not about having both hands on the wheel,its about attention span,people have very little attention span as it is,most people cant focus on 2 things at once,this has been proven over & over again,hell even a thread response thats over a line or two becomes too long to hold peoples attention,driving in a car with a passenger & talking with that passenger while driving is not the same as bluetooth,people using bluetooth have that glazed look in their eyes,its not real,its in thin air & there is no personal contact.

Closely watch the next person you see using a bluetooth & you'll see the deer in the headlights look on their faces,they are in lala land & obliviuos to their surroundings.
If I'm driving & need to make a call, most of my important phone #s are already programmed into it & I just need to scroll down to the selected # & push the green button. Then I always use 'speakerphone' & just lay the phone down on the console to speak & hear.
The ones that kill me are those people wearing that Bluetooth headset & walking thru a store jabbering away. I never know if they're on the phone...talking to me...or just need psychiatric help. :-?
my buddy comes to my house wearing a blue tooth. we'll be having a conversation then the next thing you know he's talking to someone else. wtf?
There isnt one person on this entire site that has buisness important enough to not be able to step away from a telephone.