Club 600


Well-Known Member
Whats the flavour like? I had some Herijauna that a 600 Fairy gifted to me, was interesting to grow but I felt the taste was a bit mid level, but fuk me if it didn't do what is said on the tin, i.e sleeping shortly after finishing a joint.
They flavor is pretty good, but nothing super great. It's sweet and earthy, every once in a while I'll get a hint of lemony/citrusy taste.

Doesn't really stand out to me though, like the flavor is there, but it's not long lasting.

I've heard good things on the potency of Herijuana, but not much else.


Well-Known Member
That's gonna be the mystical/ mythical bud for the rest of that guys life. I'm sure it will be (at least seem like) the strongest weed he will ever smoke. And it came from a passing stranger. Friends will doubt the story, the one he decided to share the nug with will be the lone witness. "It all started on one freezing morning late in January... "

Jimmer.... the source of legends!


Well-Known Member
It's fricken cold here. This morning I woke up to -17f and its a whole -3 now. I even went to the full service gas station and felt so bad for the guy, I asked if he puffed and tipped him a fat bud of the dog. You should have seen his eyes light up when I gave it to him. Great feeling. peace.
I woke up and now its about 72F! lol I dont think I could handle -17F....Keep warm bro!



Well-Known Member
I am with you Mo.

I am afraid that we run the risk of one more frost though,
and so I am planting this years veggies in a seed tray inside
the house for now.

Good luck with the melon-dank combos this year.

For my part, I have a few newly up-potted veggies that have
several species of mushroom spawn in their 5 gallon buckets.

It is really cool how much the plants like it too.


P.S. Not entirely true, as I also have two metal shelves outside
that have had sprouts (red cabbage, leeks, parsnips, azumi,
kohlrabi, melons, habaneros, etc) on it all through the winter.
I am certain that it is only the fact that they are right next to
the house, and the fact that the only frosts have been light,
saved them. I did lose some small lettuces and chinese cabbages.

...and my kiwi right up and died. :-(


Well-Known Member
Its funny how you don't think about frost and something like being next to a house making a difference. I have 2 banana palms in the back yard, one is right next to the house, the other is away by the fence some 30+ feet. They are the exact same age, the one next to the house is about 12' tall and the other is maybe 4' the one further away gets hurt by the frost more and takes longer to recover every year.


Well-Known Member
That's gonna be the mystical/ mythical bud for the rest of that guys life. I'm sure it will be (at least seem like) the strongest weed he will ever smoke. And it came from a passing stranger. Friends will doubt the story, the one he decided to share the nug with will be the lone witness. "It all started on one freezing morning late in January... "

Jimmer.... the source of legends!
I was at the doctors a couple days ago with my cheech and chong hoodie on and the hot nurse said oh I like your sweatshirt. The next logical thing for me to say would have been, oh do you smoke? Then slip her a nug, if I had one. But then I thought hmmm old pervert... so I just said oh thanks! instead.


Well-Known Member
Haha wth. Ive been trying out all sorts of settings on my camera and have had it for a long time now. Just found out it has something called super macro within the macro setting. Its without flash so if i can hold my hands steady there should be some jizz in 30min when lights are out. Strange to find that after so long.. maroc


Well-Known Member
Haha wth. Ive been trying out all sorts of settings on my camera and have had it for a long time now. Just found out it has something called super macro within the macro setting. Its without flash so if i can hold my hands steady there should be some jizz in 30min when lights are out. Strange to find that after so long.. maroc
View attachment 2971083View attachment 2971086

I don't care what language you speak, that looks tasty in any language lol


Well-Known Member
Okay so the super macro is impossible to use without a tripod :) Should have seen me tryna concentrate on not moving and breathing.. damn


Well-Known Member
I have done that so many times. One out of a thousand looks great. I always get frustrated and put it on books and use the timer. :)


Well-Known Member
haha yeah at picture 30 something i thought fuck this.. Good idea but i dont have that many books :P
Seems like a tripod would be a good investment with all my photos :)
If u dont mind me askin how much did you slip on the washer and bag?


Well-Known Member
Where does one get the custom Frenchy bag?

I am curious to look it up.

LOL, I have 1.5 paper grocery bags of trim and older bud,
and cannot find my bubble bags! Yarg!

