aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14


Went out to my girls today they are fucking loving it in this heat! Starting to smell chronic as and the seedlings are just starting to take off. Heres a couple pics will upload more another day. Enyoy!



Well-Known Member
Yeah don't you guys have those tiger snakes? scary ha. hmm, I checked Tasmania for the temps averages and I get a higher average temps - maybe I can grow longer than I think?. You have the same latitude as the upper part of the south island(42S), I'm at 37.4 in the upper part of north island look at the climate graph in the middle of the page, do you reckon I could grow til june?. You can grow anything here with a proper glass house but it's not like you can have glasshouses full of weed in your backyard here. We have some good hemp fields up here too, do you have any volcanic activity over there? the soil kicks ass man. The soil my Panamas are in is dark and rich, it's like I didn't even need extra bought soil.

That cop sounds like a goodcunt, there's some alright cops over here too - got caught going 165 the other day and only gave me a fine instead of court lol. I'll be keen to see some updates bro, the fact that it's in Tasmania makes it more exciting to watch for me, I like watching weed grow in 'different' or 'mystical' places if you know what I mean :bigjoint:.

do they still have hemp fields over there? you could do a sneaky sativa in there.


Na man no hemp fields now lots of opium poppy fields though. I will check out the teps soon dude. Need some advice with ordering seeds I was thinking herbies have heard good things from them. Really want some sativas :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah herbies are the best by far. Look into Malawi from ace, destroyer and Panama from Cannabiogen - all 100% sativa.


So went out to the girls today they are starting to bush out and smell lovely. Let me know what youse think. Cant wait for them to start flowering!
Heres some pics. Let me knw how youse think there going.:leaf: peace!



Well-Known Member
looking good mate, those seedlings are probably too late though. How many plants are out in the bush? some look sativa dominant.


Well-Known Member
sweet as, 47 is all good mate :bigjoint:. The seedlings wont really finish off anyways.

Masterton has higher daily highs but tasmania has higher night time temps, Tasmania has way more extreme temperature fluctuations during summer - you know what aussie is like bro.
I'd say Tasmania is more like the lower north island or upper south island. I bet there's lots of micro climates like over here.


Haha yeah your right man might get something off them lol. If not doesnt really worry me I know ill get some off the bigger ones :) put them in the grounds today hopefully they shoot off soon.
Theres so many strange places to grow find it interesting how it grows so well in all different climates :) mind you it does get fucking cold down here. Coldest place in aussie bro
The two girls freshly transplanted. Looking a bit sad and crap but they will snap on within a week or so. How do they look? :)



Well-Known Member
Sweet as man, get the smaller ones in bigger pots or in the ground for maximum growth, you don't have to worry about them runnning out of water and you wont create a track from heavily walking the same way, unless you walk another way

all in all looks good though :)

I'm going out this arvo to my grow to see how they have been doing Haven't seen them in a while so I am pretty keen to see some progress :P


Well-Known Member
sweet as, 47 is all good mate :bigjoint:. The seedlings wont really finish off anyways.

Masterton has higher daily highs but tasmania has higher night time temps, Tasmania has way more extreme temperature fluctuations during summer - you know what aussie is like bro.
I'd say Tasmania is more like the lower north island or upper south island. I bet there's lots of micro climates like over here.
Sounds about right man. We all know what Australia's like :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah your right man might get something off them lol. If not doesnt really worry me I know ill get some off the bigger ones :) put them in the grounds today hopefully they shoot off soon.
Theres so many strange places to grow find it interesting how it grows so well in all different climates :) mind you it does get fucking cold down here. Coldest place in aussie bro
The two girls freshly transplanted. Looking a bit sad and crap but they will snap on within a week or so. How do they look? :)
Looking algood, how are the seedlings doing? I bet those plants you transplanted have bounced back now? Mine did within a day or two and was looking healthier than ever. They really start to grow properly once they're in the ground I reckon haha


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah your right man might get something off them lol. If not doesnt really worry me I know ill get some off the bigger ones :) put them in the grounds today hopefully they shoot off soon.
Theres so many strange places to grow find it interesting how it grows so well in all different climates :) mind you it does get fucking cold down here. Coldest place in aussie bro
The two girls freshly transplanted. Looking a bit sad and crap but they will snap on within a week or so. How do they look? :)
Looking good in the ground bro, looks like they're taking off heaps. Yeah Tasmania is as cold as the south island lol.

This guy in Australia used to put Malawi seedlings out early april and harvest july. still ended up being 1.5-2m.

Keen as to see some Tasmanian grown weed :mrgreen:


Yo guys went to the girls today still no signs of budding. Hopefully there not too far away, the ones in the ground are loving it, seedlings are starting to take off and the others I transplanted are doing great, want to get them all in the ground asap just been flat out busy. Oh I also took 6 clones a while ago and I have noticed new growth which is great. Been feeding them max feed by miricale grow, gogo juice and some power feed. The smaller ones are getting 1/4 strength of seasol and root booster.
Heres some pics from today anyway, feedback and advice apreciated :)bongsmilie

