who wants to guess my yield?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know, these threads are dumb. Indulge a cropping man and tell me what you think. Branches have been cut down (obviously) and trimmed of fan leaves, gaurd leaves will come off after it dries.
IMG_20140124_140406.jpgIMG_20140124_140411.jpgIMG_20140124_140450.jpg Reference shot for size

A few more reference shots of how the finished product weighs out.IMG_20140124_141402.jpgIMG_20140124_141417.jpg

Just some porn

I hated having to chop these early, but it is what it is. They're around 6 1/2 or 7 weeks, but it'll be fine for all intents and purposes. I'm hoping I've got about a half pound here, if so I still have a few ounces left on the two plants these came from, plus I still have my two big plants that should be closer to 8 o's a piece. If I'm right that'll put me around 26 ounces for my 4 soil plants, then I have my 4aero plants in the back that should net about a pound.

Im trying to smash my first harvest's gpw, which was .56 grams per watt. This one should definitely be over 1 gpw, but if it all shakes out the way its seeming ill probably be closer to 1.5
Nice man reminds me of my first harvest ... I'm guessing 8 ounces

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Well-Known Member
Cool, yeah I hope it's close to 8, realistically its probably a little under. I way under guessed my first crop, I was hoping for a half pound and wound up with 1 1/4. Doubt I'll get that lucky this time, now that I have a better idea how much size/weight they lose during drying and trimming.

That whole "1/3 of the wet weight" rule is bullshit. Even when I was trimming before I dried (gaurd leaves and everything) that guide served no help whatsoever.
You are growing hydro ? And how do you like those nutes I use the same flora series

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Active Member
looks like closer to 9 or 10 oz,but hard to say,looks very packed,i got 6 oz off my last grow 1 plant,and i didnt have that many branches,


Well-Known Member
I think 9.5 to 10 Oz... My brother's sittin' right here. He thinks you've got better than 3/4 of a pound...
I'll check back in a few days. 8)


Mr I Can Do That For Half
General rule which has always been very close is you loose about 70% of total weight from the day its cut til the day its done curing. I am saying maybe 6-7 oz dry and cured


Well-Known Member
You are growing hydro ? And how do you like those nutes I use the same flora series

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Man, I actually have soil and aero, and I use roots organics for my soil grows. I bought the master pack and went through it, and they had "big swell" in there which is a synthetic. After I ran out of it, I wanted to replace it and wound up going with the kool bloom, which I gotta say has worked well.

I use botanicare nutrients for my aeroponic setup, and they are THE BOMB. their hydroplex is similar to the kool bloom, but has all these additional micro nutes in it, and tons of magnesium. I love the way they have broken the nutrients down, with the base having nitrogen and calcium (it's a 3 part).

But yeah, for my soil plants this time I alternated my feedigs with the roots organic and the kind line and it worked out really well, I can't wait til these plants actually finish.

To everybody else-- I hope you're right! Like I said, I way overcompensate for how much size they lose, and then I figure how many jars it will fill up. I guess i just haven't quite gotten the whole "yield guess" thing down yet (at least I hope I'm wrong).

But I did veg these plants for 2 months; started the clones then moved to 1 gallon smart pots, then transplanted to 7's before flower. 2 of them got transplanted about 2 weeks before the other 2, and at the time had doubled in size. The other ones caught up in height, but didn't quite have as many tops. I topped each plant once and then tied the 2 tops down. Oh yeah, and the strain was white lavender. Smells JUST like lavender (and weed, lol) its pretty crazy. I thought it was gonna be a purple strain but it turned out to just smell like lavender.

I'll definitely post in a few days how it turns out. Btw, do you guys completely trim before you hang them to dry? I did at first (it seems like everyone here does) but since then have tried only trimming fan leaves first, then letting it dry before trimming the rest, and I really think it helps with flavor. Maybe I have just been getting better at drying/curing or maybe its bc I'm doing something else better (like flushing or dark period) but who knows.