please help yellow leaves big problems....


Active Member
can someone let me know what to do ive got a 400w hps and my plants are in veg about 5 weeks old and in soil, the end of the leaves are bending down and the tips are starting to yellow have been using nutes but not a hell of alot , i first noticed the edges of the leaves yellowing and now its getting worse someone pleeeease help me the new growth is now starting to yellow aswell will upload pics soon but someone please please help... more the merrier


Well-Known Member
it can be a number of things. start off with the basics... what medium are you using? temp of room? what nutes are you using? what strength? whats the NPK? whats the pH of your water? how close are your lights? how much do you water? no one ever posts enough info and wonders why they don't get responses...


Active Member
i first noticed the yellow on the tips and around the serated edges im very concerened please help me they were doing so well up untill now


Active Member
the temp is about 24 degrees the light is about 600mm away atleast so they arent getting burnt, im a new grower so very sorry to not give much info i didnt mean to piss anyone off with little info


Active Member
im using soil its a very good soil here in new zealand, using very little soil i havent got anything to test ph so will get that asap without the rest of the info wot are your first thoughts with the little info


Well-Known Member
what's the soil called? i looked up "very good soil in new zealand" but it didn't come up with alot. lawlerwagon.


Well-Known Member
im using soil its a very good soil here in new zealand, using very little soil i havent got anything to test ph so will get that asap without the rest of the info wot are your first thoughts with the little info
Theres your answer!!! You arent PHing your water your putting into the plant!!!

Most likely whatever water you are giving them is 7.1 or higher on PH.

Buy some PH down, and a cheap $5 PH tester.


Well-Known Member

Tap water is generally purified at local water treatment centers and sent out into the drinking sytem at around 7 or higher. RARELY is water ever found more acidic than 7 from the facet. IF it is lower not more than .2 lower or I would contact the city...

Phosphurus and potassium begin to lockout at above 7 as well as iron copper zinc boron and manganese.


Active Member
what's the soil called? i looked up "very good soil in new zealand" but it didn't come up with alot. lawlerwagon.
I think it needs to be in capitals.. "N"ew "Z"ealand
:joint:or maybe light aren't getting to it?
is it yellowing from the bottom? or anywhere?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
can someone let me know what to do ive got a 400w hps and my plants are in veg about 5 weeks old and in soil, the end of the leaves are bending down and the tips are starting to yellow have been using nutes but not a hell of alot , i first noticed the edges of the leaves yellowing and now its getting worse someone pleeeease help me the new growth is now starting to yellow aswell will upload pics soon but someone please please help... more the merrier
yellowing leaves also could b from over watering. what is your water sched. and how much do u water one plant with