Well-Known Member
I'm ordered after my hearing to pay $265 a month, which is based on 40 hours here, at min wage, since i am badly under employed at the moment. My question is if i go the garnishment route, they can only take 60% of what i make, period... If that would be normally $66.25 a week, to add up to 265 every 4 weeks, if i under pay the first month or so due to garnishment only taking 60% and not making much more than i am supposed to owe per month, or even less, can they take however much extra i will owe to delete the owed income from me when my hours pick up and im make 50-60 hours a week instead of like 10...? example...
If i only bring home 65 dollars hourly a week, they can only take 39 and not the 66.25, at 60%... leaving me 26 on my paycheck, will when my hours kick up will they be able to take more than the 66.25 to compensate for underpayment in prior weeks? Or will they tack it on to the the end, like my friend told me who has three kids. He said if you cant pay, because you dont make enough to pay it, they only take the 60% < $66.25 i would have to make 110.41666~ per week for them to get full payment, if i make more than that will they add it onto the 66.25? i dont know if this makes any fucking sense at all... lol

If i only bring home 65 dollars hourly a week, they can only take 39 and not the 66.25, at 60%... leaving me 26 on my paycheck, will when my hours kick up will they be able to take more than the 66.25 to compensate for underpayment in prior weeks? Or will they tack it on to the the end, like my friend told me who has three kids. He said if you cant pay, because you dont make enough to pay it, they only take the 60% < $66.25 i would have to make 110.41666~ per week for them to get full payment, if i make more than that will they add it onto the 66.25? i dont know if this makes any fucking sense at all... lol