forget about recessive dom...throw that right out of your brain for now... think PC if you want an auto PC you must breed for PC selection, it will be very hard for 10-15 because you have to find a very close looking PC and hope you find a PC pheno with potency because breeding a low potency PC will right away send you in the wrong place even if it looks PC. I'd smoke dried elephant snot if it was 30% Thats why I select always for potency first and then looks smells second, if at all.
The LR gene can NOT be stopped, call it what you want but once its breed in its coming by F4 or 5 no matter how you select, even if you try your best to choose all NON autoing parents. I call it dom, you call it recessive but in fact it may fall into a terminology of somewhere in between...
therefore these relationship below must be considered... My personal thought is knowone knows for sure yet, but an auto x photo does show a very small% of auto in the f1 therefore I'm lead closer to believe in some form of a dominate gene????
Relationship to other genetic concepts
The concept of dominance is involved with a number of other genetic concepts.
Multiple alleles
Although any individual of a diploid organism has at most two different alleles at any one locus, most genes exist in a large number of allelic versions in the population as a whole. If the alleles have different effects on the phenotype, sometimes their dominance interactions with each other can be described as a series. In another example, coat color in siamese cats[4] and related breeds is determined by a series of alleles at the albino gene locus (c) that produce different levels of pigment and hence different levels of color dilution. Four of these are c+, cb, cs, and ca (standard, Birman, siamese, and albino, respectively), where the first allele is completely dominant to the last three, and the last is completely recessive to the first three.
Complete dominance
Complete dominance occurs when the phenotype of the heterozygote is completely indistinguishable from that of the dominant homozygote.
Incomplete and semi-dominance
Incomplete dominance occurs when the phenotype of the heterozygous genotype is distinct from and often intermediate to the phenotypes of the homozygous genotypes. For example, the snapdragon flower color is either homozygous for red or white. When the red homozygous flower is paired with the white homozygous flower, the result yields a pink snapdragon flower. The pink snapdragon is the result of incomplete dominance. A similar type of incomplete dominance is found in the four o'clock plant wherein pink color is produced when true-bred parents of white and red flowers are crossed. In quantitative genetics, where phenotypes are measured and treated numerically, if a heterozygote's phenotype is exactly between (numerically) that of the two homozygotes, the phenotype is said to exhibit no dominance at all, i.e. dominance exists only when the heterozygote's phenotype measure lies closer to one homozygote than the other.
When plants of the F1 generation are self-pollinated, the phenotypic and genotypic ratio of the F2 generation will be 1:2:1 (Red

ink:White) for both generations.[5]
Co-dominance in a Camellia cultivar
A and B blood types in humans show co-dominance, but the O type is recessive to A and B.
Main article: Codominance
Co-dominance occurs when the contributions of both alleles are visible in the phenotype. For example, chemical modifications on the surfaces of blood cells are controlled by three alleles (IA, IB and IO) at the ABO locus. The IA and IB alleles produce different modifications, and the non-functional IO allele produces no modification. Thus IA and IB alleles are each dominant to IO (IA IA and IA IO individuals both have type A blood, and IB IB and IB IO individuals both have type B blood. But IA IB individuals have both modifications on their blood cells and thus have type AB blood, so the IA and IB alleles are said to be co-dominant.)
Another example occurs at the locus for the Beta-globin component of hemoglobin, where the three molecular phenotypes of HbA/HbA, HbA/HbS, and HbS/HbS are all distinguishable by protein electrophoresis. (The medical condition produced by the heterozygous genotype is called sickle-cell trait and is a milder condition distinguishable from sickle-cell anemia, thus the alleles show incomplete dominance with respect to anemia, see above). For most gene loci at the molecular level, both alleles are expressed co-dominantly, because both are transcribed into RNA.
Co-dominance, where allelic products co-exist in the phenotype, is different from incomplete or semi-dominance, where the quantitative interaction of allele products produces an intermediate phenotype. For example in Co-dominance, a red homozygous flower and a white homozygous flower will produce offspring that have red and white spots. When plants of the F1 generation are self-pollinated, the phenotypic and genotypic ratio of the F2 generation will be 1:2:1 (Red:Spotted:White). These ratios are the same as those for incomplete dominance. Again, note that this classical terminology is inappropriate - in reality such cases should not be said to exhibit dominance at all.
no credit for this goes to me just thought I'd share with u bro where I got that from earlier!