does speed drying fuck up your buds?


Well-Known Member
I agree totally with Smoove. To me quick drying buds is like tradeing a bottle of very fine wine for mad dog 20/20 gut rot. There is no way you are going to quick dry buds in 3 days and get the same taste you do when correctly cured. Any of you can post other people threads and tell me about who said what. But i will never in a million years believe any of you who say that quick drying can be done with the same or even close results. And once again, I will say it,, anyone who gets buds quick died the same quality as if correctly cured must have started with SHIT BUDS.

When you are teaching an apprentice to learn a new skill, you NEVER teach him the short cuts!!!! You always teach him the correct way to do his Job, then once he has mastered that you teach him a few of the short cuts. If I had an Apprentice who I was teaching to grow buds, I would NEVER teach him or tell him how to quick dry buds.
Quick dried buds= :spew:

I have to admit though, I do quick dry about a gram of buds from some crops just to give it a try.

So for all you new growers out there. You want great, sticky, tastey buds. Then learn to cure them correctly. If you want your buds quick and can not wait, and do not mind that harsh taste and green Chlorifiel taste, then by all means Stick those buds inside a speed drier.

This is just my opinion. If you do not go along with my opinion, then I have another opnion about you..... hahahahahaha Just kidding.
You are talking about two different things. Nothing wrong with drying your buds in a week or so but only after the are dry can you start to cure your buds. And yes the buds usually take aboout 3 wks till the smell and taste is how I like it. Most importantly its how I like. Every one is different you have to find what you like but I can tell you Ive been smoking for many many years and my weed is anything but shit, hell check the link in my sig and you can be the judge.


Active Member
Wine tasting is not a good analogy to use in this case,much of what surrounds wine tasting is placebo & myth,same applies to mj.
that make no sense, you are saying they are different, then saying they are the same!


Well-Known Member
that make no sense, you are saying they are different, then saying they are the same!
Huh :-?

Where did i say they are different,then say they are the same:-?.

Again,what i am saying is that wine tasters are mostly full of shit,most of the long used methods of tasting wine are heavily biased & use weak control methods that allow for skewed results .

You cant know which wine is which if you are to judge it,you cant see it,feel it or in any way have any other contact other than tasting for the results to be fair & unbiased,same goes for qualifying one strain of mj against another, or even a drying/curing method.

This is why i say using fine wine tasting as an analogy to curing weed is not a good example.

Do a google on bias & placebo,much there to learn for all.