3 weeks into flower am I fucked


I'm running super soil in 7 gallon air pots my leaves look like this is it my watering or did I fuck up the soil mix?



Well-Known Member
no u have not fucked it

u need to check the ph lvls ............along with add in a shit load of micbros and increase your P-K feeding

those look like the leaves i had on my berry diesel ...........my issuse was the PH of the soil was off due to the lack of power it wanted it was sucking up everything the soil had and wanted more from the feeding ...........the micrbos are to help the PH stablize

this stuff ppl say is good never personally used it

or this stuff.........u can look for the 250mls one by themself and make the pack that way what i did to test it..........worked out saved the plant and i applied it to my others to see i am noticing a different in the growth /intake of goodies in my monster hydro .......the soil test has last 3 weeks now to see that one


Active Member
How often are you watering how big is the plants are you waiting till the pots are really feeling light before you water!


It was transplanted 12/16
Main line'd for 16 heads
The last time I watered was about a week ago and it felt like there was a little in the bottom. Should I wait longer to water?


Well-Known Member
your leaves will curl under and then brown spots will show up and little yellowing and drying of the edges ...............it will speed up soon and then u will be fucked

test your PH if it is 5.5 it is what i told u

Dennis Stein

Active Member
I wouldn't make any adjustments until you can manage your watering better. How do you know what your plant needs if you have anaerobic conditions and low oxygen levels? Your plant should already have a dry down time established unless you water haphazardly (whenever you want to water and not necessarily when the plant needs it). Learn to look for bottom set of leaves to droop, this is time to water. I would go one step further and water a day before the droop in flowering. Adding further nutes at this point will only lead to salty conditions if your plant can't uptake the nutes.

Make sure you're watering those airpots slowly and thoroughly. Your longest dry down time is right after a transplant. And with you going into a seven gallon container, it may take up to 2 weeks to water again. Then it will decrease a bit as the roots get more established in there new home. Hence I mainly only water around outer edge during a transplant and then my next watering will be my thorough watering with some runoff.

If you got your watering down pat and you've waited to the plant is dry again, check the pH of your soil. With you going with a super soil of some sort there is a good chance your soil may be on the hot side or acidic (lets say below 6 -dry). Take a few different samples as your Ph will be a little more acidic wet than it will be dry. If your pH is low, you're going to want to know what nutrients causes your pH to drop and avoid them (guano's & molasses come to mind). And try to up you buffering agents like oyster flour or some calcydic lime, not a lot as the damage has already been done and it's kind of hard to change the soils pH once it has been established. Only changes we can make is in top dressings and or teas/watering, so watch the pH of those as well. Maybe a mild flush is in call at your next dry time, followed by a mild non-acidic tea for your last few gallons of your flush.


I wouldn't make any adjustments until you can manage your watering better. How do you know what your plant needs if you have anaerobic conditions and low oxygen levels? Your plant should already have a dry down time established unless you water haphazardly (whenever you want to water and not necessarily when the plant needs it). Learn to look for bottom set of leaves to droop, this is time to water. I would go one step further and water a day before the droop in flowering. Adding further nutes at this point will only lead to salty conditions if your plant can't uptake the nutes.

Make sure you're watering those airpots slowly and thoroughly. Your longest dry down time is right after a transplant. And with you going into a seven gallon container, it may take up to 2 weeks to water again. Then it will decrease a bit as the roots get more established in there new home. Hence I mainly only water around outer edge during a transplant and then my next watering will be my thorough watering with some runoff.

If you got your watering down pat and you've waited to the plant is dry again, check the pH of your soil. With you going with a super soil of some sort there is a good chance your soil may be on the hot side or acidic (lets say below 6 -dry). Take a few different samples as your Ph will be a little more acidic wet than it will be dry. If your pH is low, you're going to want to know what nutrients causes your pH to drop and avoid them (guano's & molasses come to mind). And try to up you buffering agents like oyster flour or some calcydic lime, not a lot as the damage has already been done and it's kind of hard to change the soils pH once it has been established. Only changes we can make is in top dressings and or teas/watering, so watch the pH of those as well. Maybe a mild flush is in call at your next dry time, followed by a mild non-acidic tea for your last few gallons of your flush.
Me not having my watering down sounds like the most reasonable thing seeing as This is my first time with air pots moving up from 2 gal nursery pots lol and there is no way I waited anywhere close to 2 weeks.

They are looking better better today!