new grower

Hi all. I'm a new grower and I've just germinated 5 Seeds. If all goes to plan I would like to take some cuttings. can I do this without harming the plant . and continue growing.when is the best time to take cuttings I have 2 og kush and 5 easy kus. which is the best ie the most potent ?.Thanks in advance for your advice


Well-Known Member
I would say take your cuttings during late veg. Depending on how long you're planning to veg for, maybe during the 4th week? Just remember to make your cut at a 45 degree angle if not more (greater surface area) and honestly im not too sure on wich one is more potent.


My advice is very simple. Take your cuttings in late veg, a week before you plan on putting them into flower. Make sure your plant is at least 4 weeks old though before you give them the snip. I always tend to feed my girls plain ph perfect water for a week in the lead up to taking my cuttings to lower the nitrogen level in the mother. I find they are easier to root in this case. I would also recommend taking your cutting from the bottom half of the plant. The main reason I do this is to maximise my end yield if I plan on flowering the mother. Lower branches will see less light so it makes sense to chop them there. Good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
My advice is very simple. Take your cuttings in late veg, a week before you plan on putting them into flower. Make sure your plant is at least 4 weeks old though before you give them the snip. I always tend to feed my girls plain ph perfect water for a week in the lead up to taking my cuttings to lower the nitrogen level in the mother. I find they are easier to root in this case. I would also recommend taking your cutting from the bottom half of the plant. The main reason I do this is to maximise my end yield if I plan on flowering the mother. Lower branches will see less light so it makes sense to chop them there. Good luck bro.
Agreed because the growth will be more active than a seedling (if this makes sense) take cuttings about 3 1/2 weeks into veg