FAA Tax Dollars at Waste


Well-Known Member
Beer drone that would be AWESOME
Especially if it was unregulated and dropped it's package onto a Interstate highway
Or better yet
Got sucked up into a jet exhaust of a passenger plane

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Beer drone that would be AWESOME
Especially if it was unregulated and dropped it's package onto a Interstate highway
Or better yet
Got sucked up into a jet exhaust of a passenger plane
repetition of a specious assertion is less effective each time you trot it out.

beer drones dont fly at 50,000 feet, and jets dont fly at low altitude over potential beer delivery routes.

your failed idiotic argument would be more effective in an attempt to ban Santa Claus than Beer Drones.

why not demand pizza deliveries stop because the 'zza dude's honda might be crushed under the wheels of a city bus?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you mean the intake.....like a goose over a river. But, I can't ever imagine a dense flock of drones. And one will not bring down a twin engine jet.

What I don't get is why they need to go over 400 AGL, to deliver the beer. This our Tax dollars and the FAA is playing foot drag, and threats, though there is absolutely no law against this. No rules at all and they are suppose have the rule out already.

Another professional photographer, is being fined by the FAA, for $10,000. And this time it seems to be a jerk up thing about reckless, though he was safely and legally filming.

The FAA is trying to shoehorn the Commercial Pilot rules that don't apply at all. Then they turn to strong arm test cases to punt the work to the Courts, on our Money. They force this poor fellow to defend himself for a lot more than $10K in lawyers.. Bu, he is not gong to stand for this, as precedent.

Then take the case in New Zealand. They need permission to fly anything. You need a license for the air radios. So, this old engineer character, kooky personality, went a little too far on his YT channel, and referred to the Authority as "a bunch of children that have never pushed a stick" meaning the Radio controls.

Petty power goes after petty comments, so they suspended his license, "pending investigation." That was 2 years ago. And just like my petition to the BATF, it will remain pending. But, this guy does flight review for a living, so he is done. YT channel views dropped to 10%, no clicks, no likes, no ad support.

So, what is freedom? What we get, what we take, or what we have at the moment?

Chez, how many jets fly at 400 feet outside the terminal air space? Answer = none. How many geese fly, everywhere they want in flocks?

All of them.

Fuck Them! Print Guns and Drones.


Well-Known Member
I want a Camera drone

My hot neighbor likes to nude sunbath
And she dont have any rights to her airspace or privacy


Well-Known Member
My gosh, there is no right not to be filmed since the Jane Mansfield case.

What about your old wrinkled prune, neighbor? She can be filmed in the buff, as well. Just ask yourself, what does hot have to do with it?

Hmmmm.....google earth can get you busted for your pot farm. We have to right to print guns and print drones, because it is self proclaimed.

If you are trying to make money with porn using camera drones....already being done.

I want a tethered UAV on my car roof, to send up as a local traffic eye and for better cell reception. If the Law has drones, I need a ground based detector to keep track and I need autonomous patrol drones, to protect my sensor arrays. Naaaah.

Just kidding. My thing is always the eyeball. It is why I put effort into learning to fly helicopter. I can just hover and look around. Go into forest clearings but never land, stuff like that. Can't land without permission. :)

Very soon I will have my eyeball up,in virtual reality goggles to Fly like Superman. That is really all I ever wanted, I have waited a lifetime for the tech.


Well-Known Member
If you are using your UAS ( Unmanned Aircraft System) in a non commercial personal hobby way, there are essentially no regulations if you keep it under 400 feet, away from populated areas, and away from commercial air facilities.

Want to use it for business purposes? That is a whole other ball of wax.....http://www.faa.gov/about/initiatives/uas/uas_faq/index.cfm?print=go
And....there are no rules and you can stick it up their ass, if you lawyer up.

How much commercial but, un-licenced movie footage worth millions, is there thanks to camera drones? It has been a staple for aerial video production in all kinds of events, for 20 years or more, with gas powered hand controlled, drone helicopters. Now they are much safer with GPS, auto-pilot, and come home, fail safe.

OTH, we all saw a little girl killed by a hockey puck in the 15th row. Was that puck used for commercial purposes, under 400 AGL? Was it out of control? Yes, and yes. Did the fans give up all rights to attend, yes and yes. When the drone crashed into the football stands last year, that was the Stadium's position. You gave up your rights.

There seems to be some distinction between carrying 4 kgs of camera gear overhead, since you signed away risk, with ticket, and carrying 4 kgs of beer across frozen and deserted lakes.

Really the thinking here, is quite 1950s.


Well-Known Member
I just got an update from the guy in NZ. And this is how, primarily self rule works. Not well enough for me. We don't like situation like this. It is arbitrary restraint of trade by a civilian club.

So, in NZ, the control creeps, got it to the point where, you can only fly models at flying fields....PERIOD. Jeeze, NZ, has such a crowded air space? NO.

It has petty power players. It tries to happen over here, all the time, but the 3 legs, Bi-cameral system is designed against it.

Over the years the Model aircraft association, in NZ, created RULES and then more RULES. And in the end if you were not a member in good standing with a clear card, the flying field goons called the cops. So, no card from a bunch of little kids that have never pushed a stick, means you cannot fly models in NZ, PERIOD.

Well, they didn't like the kooky guy, like I do, and they pulled his card, and told him, "We will never say yes or no, to you again."

So, after his spittle and spew died down, he realized he had an appeal. Now, here is where it is weird. Our FAA would just laugh. "Models!!!!???? HA ha"

Theirs is the CFA, or CCA or some such. OK, the Feds say, "we may be able to issue and exemption on the restraint of trade issue."

This will make him the only guy in NZ that can fly where ever he wants, including the club flying fields.

He, of course, is sure, they will help him, after 18 months of business decline.

Me? I doubt it. I think the Model Association will appeal to the Fed and try to block him with character smears.
We will see.


Well-Known Member
So, if I buy one of those gnarly looking quad-heli-drones to spy on this.....target.....in his/it's.......bedroom.......

I would only have to stay 400 feet away, and it would still be considered ok/rad?

I ask because a friend of mine......................


Well-Known Member
Shit.. America is a "super power" of modern times, we have an obligation to keep the peace and maintain the peace throughout the world. America has no other choice, but do what is right for the world and the military is absolutely essential for world peace. America needs a "billion dollars lottery" allowing our national defense to be first in line to receive money from the national lottery. Many lotteries in America brings in millions of dollars each year, and we don't know where all the money is going. If America had billion dollars lottery we could take care of many things here in America we are having problems with our economy is first in order.

National Security gets money for Slurpee Machines in their tanks, and our defense budget covers it. I'm fighting the war on terror from the outside - I deserve a piece, right?


Well-Known Member
Oh, if you are a spying, your drone will be shot at and you will be a peeking Tom.
You cannot look into people's windows.

This backlash is already happening. And if anything can get drones banned, sophomoric behavior is what will do it. Snooping citizens will get the lash.

Of course, Darwinism predicts the boneheads will not bother with the details and these modern ships will just fly off until they crash.

I see it all time. So, if you are in the shallow end of the gene pool, no worries. :) If playing in the deep end with the big boys, you are risking $1000s in gear, to a pistol shot into the neighbors house, and you can take the fall.

Self rule can really suck as we sort this stuff out.

For perspective on Drones....nothing new. This is one of Marylin Monroe's first gigs. Army Drones.


Well-Known Member
I think people don't quite understand that REAL drones fly so high you could never shoot one down. Unless you got a missile, or a R/C aircraft might be able to do it.


Well-Known Member
They are not talking about "real drones." What gave you that idea? They shoot at low level camera drones of all kinds. Because the wild and sickest stuff goes on on these big properties. These properties can now be spied on by citizens. Also, the EPA, and a whole list of Fed agencies are doing the exact same thing.

My Pastun friend told me his family in the Kashmir, have upgraded their surface to air capability, for the "real drones" coming over from India.

Here some footage of a citizen camera drone being shot down by Turkish police during a recent unrest.


And here is a camera that took a rifle slug, filming an illegal pigeon shoot. If you see it, it was no shoot. Shake 'em up, toss 'em in the air....POW. Grab another one. Shake 'em up.... Stupid Pennsylvania rednecks. Southern rednecks give all rednecks a good name, as best we can, compared to these boys. :)


Well-Known Member
My gosh, there is no right not to be filmed since the Jane Mansfield case.

What about your old wrinkled prune, neighbor? She can be filmed in the buff, as well. Just ask yourself, what does hot have to do with it?

Hmmmm.....google earth can get you busted for your pot farm. We have to right to print guns and print drones, because it is self proclaimed.

If you are trying to make money with porn using camera drones....already being done.

I want a tethered UAV on my car roof, to send up as a local traffic eye and for better cell reception. If the Law has drones, I need a ground based detector to keep track and I need autonomous patrol drones, to protect my sensor arrays. Naaaah.

Just kidding. My thing is always the eyeball. It is why I put effort into learning to fly helicopter. I can just hover and look around. Go into forest clearings but never land, stuff like that. Can't land without permission. :)

Very soon I will have my eyeball up,in virtual reality goggles to Fly like Superman. That is really all I ever wanted, I have waited a lifetime for the tech.
do you have google glass yet? if so, do you like them?


Well-Known Member
do you have google glass yet? if so, do you like them?
I will have Goggle glasses of some kind. But, the tricks for FPV, (first person view) are a handful I don't quite grasp yet.

Field of View is a main consideration. 34 degrees is ideal. Need a camera lens that is in the 2.8 mm range, to cut down on fisheye effects. Is that 34 degrees?

Then the eye goggle view also needs the correct FOV. They need to block out sunlight. And the Google glasses are the oppoite of total immersion. THose are setup for augmented overlay of the sense. That's total, non-immersion. So, probably have to settle with 30 degree goggles, but what camera? Hero3 is the HD standard, but needs a tricky lens change that immediately voids the warranty...if you can get it back together and working. :)

IAC, I will most likely go with SkyZone goggles since they have the receivers built in, and good glass lenses, etc. Another $400. And still no camera.

Turn out the best flying camera is not the best filming camera, for..,,,.That is how they get 'cha. :)

Not tied the Google glasses, have you?

Here is a little film short. Very political but Si-fi. Subtle story, I liked it. Uses and features the Drone. The special effects are mad-kewl, for an Indie short.

New World Order...(but not what you think)
