Philip Seymour Hoffman Dead


New Member
heroin is a slippery slope.I've seen seasoned vets and rookies go down with a random hot shot just the same.Its like roulette w/ a needle instead of a gun.In my years of association w/dopers I' ve never seen a death w/o out shooting up


Well-Known Member
That sucks. I think my fave from him was in Boogie Nights.

I just got off the junk, again. Was clean for months, got back on about 2 wks ago, just got on suboxone Fri night. A brief stint.. I don't think w/d is gonna be anything like coming off last time.

Being on dope is so damn easy. The part I like the most is that I can be around anyone, no matter how annoying or stupid, and I can have a good time, do business, whatever. It just makes the world so easy to deal with.

Maybe Hoffman was Jesus.. he died so I can live.. bongsmilie

Don't shoot dope kids.. if you wanna play a little, just smoke or snort. More than once a month and you WILL go down the junkie road. Promise.


Well-Known Member
There was just a warning put out on Huff Post that PA had some bad dope and that overdose deaths were ticking up sharply, that people should be careful.

A damn shame.


New Member
There was just a warning put out on Huff Post that PA had some bad dope and that overdose deaths were ticking up sharply, that people should be careful.

A damn shame.

when I hung in PA,I could not believe the amount of dope in those little towns,fwiw.Good shit too.

match box

Well-Known Member
Wow what a shame. I've been off the needle for 40 years. You can never go back. Yes every junky is like the setting sun.


Well-Known Member
when I hung in PA,I could not believe the amount of dope in those little towns,fwiw.Good shit too.
It's the same way here too. Pain Management gets 'em hooked, the dealers in the white lab coats, then its on to the street after they burn their urine analysis and have to get weened off. Suburban white kids are the leading opiate addiction cases in the system right now.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
This is why prohibition does not work. If this were about caring and not judging, people and not money, public health policy he would have been handing out NARCAN for years.


God forbid you ever had to wake up to hear the news
'Cause then you really might know what it's like to have to lose


Well-Known Member
not a fan of most of his stuff.. but he nailed the heck outta this role



Active Member
heroin=death also heroin users are the most untrustworthy people. and they all lie just watch someone will chime in they are a trustworthy junkie just a lie. i feel sorry for them it's tragic. get clean while you can if your using it life is to short and so much more beautiful than smack.