people who OD usually do not do so because the dope was bad but rather because it was good and they either have not used for a few days or they were not used to it. when people go to cop they seek out the dope that has been killing. this is part of the insanity of it all.
i agree with everyone it does stink the legal system makes such a who-ha about it all and realy dislike cops myself. also its easy to see it from the other side having been a user myself i could run through my paycheck i 2 days and the rest of the week was struggle, hustle or steal and unless you are rich steal and hustle you will. also you will lie to your family and best friends, to your dog if needed. even f legal user would still steal to get more that's what being a junkie is. in recovery (i hate that word) we have a saying its called the "not yets" for all who say i use but i don't steal or lie there is one answer you do "not yet". i used to hate this speech and would tear people apart for saying things like this but in the end it was true.
in the end the best thing you can do for yourself and the people you love is to quit. its not easy its the toughest thing you may ever do in life but also the best thing you could do. you will hurt for a week or two and then it gets better, it can only get better.
ok much love to all hadn't wanted to come out of the closet but somebody need to speak up. my 26 year old cousin died this fall from an OD i was not aware she was even using she had not for long. it can happen from your first shot or after you have been using 30 years but as long as you shoot dope death is unavoidable. i have lost more friends from using dope than anything else combined just not worth it.
Yep. If someone has good dope it becomes known quick and it sells quick.
Most likely, Hoffman got some of the dope with too much fentanyl that has been around on the east coast. It's been around.
Fentanyl in dope translates to "good dope" by most people. If it has a good rush or gives you the nods, it's usually known as "good dope".
I tried a fentanyl patch, years ago.. my god. That is a strong substance.
Still clean, woohoo!. But, I'm on subs, so, I couldn't do it even if I wanted to. I really don't want to though. I'm so done with that shit.
I never got that deep into it, by comparison to many folks. Dope life is not a good life. Fuck that.
1 more sub tmrw mrning. Skip Wed. One Thurs. Jump off Fri. Then I have three days off work to toss and turn a little. Back to work on Monday. Wish me luck.