Philip Seymour Hoffman Dead


Well-Known Member
i wish anyone on here that is using the best and i would gladly chat anytime if your hurting.
Yeah dude.. calling someone a POS is surely going to get them running your way for help. psh..

Good luck staying off..

There are ZERO absolutes in this world dopeydog

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
There's nothing inherent in the substance that makes the people who use it 'bad'.
It's a combination of social conventions, prejudices and financial pressures that results in every heroin user being labelled with the same negative stereotypes.

The prohibition of the substance is the main reason for 99.9% of the problems that are attributed to heroin.

When it is available as pharmaceutically pure substance in predictable doses (standard measurements of recognised purity) it's actually quite a safe medication.

I expect to hear the misinformed comments of people who have been subjected to the propagandized brain washing techniques of the leaders of the WAR ON DRUGS virtually everywhere.
But it's a little sad to read the same blind acceptance of the situation by a person who regularly posts on a marijuana forum.
Open your mind to alternate possibilities.
Try some lateral thinking.
Research the medical trials that have prescribed heroin to addicts and allowed them to lead comparatively normal lives
for lifespans that are about average for ALL human beings.

And, if all that sounds a bit too challenging,
Just stop making clichéd comments
and perpetuating the campaign of misinformation
that has been used to justify the dehumanising of people
for their choice of medication.
orly? so nobody has a problem with pharmaceutical grade and dosed opiates (ie pills), and they are quite safe? Did you seriously just type all that?


Well-Known Member
If this was a bad batch of heroin, this seems like a good argument for legalization/regulation, this stuff wouldn't happen if it was officially regulated.


Pickle Queen
So sad another great actor who let money...drugs..take his precious life..hmmm lets start a pool..who's next..better not be miley..I still have hope..


Well-Known Member
Yeah it would still happen no matter how regulated it is. Maybe it would happen less. But like Annie said, antagonists should be readily available. It's really fucking sad.

I'll say this though. Prohibition has created a social stigma that causes people to use alone. The fact that he was found in his bathroom might be significant. Even alone, he might have been hiding his use from the world. Fact of the matter is - if he had been with somebody and there was a dose of Nalcan (do I have that name right?) his life would have been saved.

I don't think using would ever become socially acceptable no matter what kind of measures are taken, but I am strongly in favor of making it less loathsome. Too many people have experienced this horrible lonely death. I think it would help if society held their arms out to users rather than shutting them out. Our current policies are completely whacked. The fact that a chronic pain sufferer cannot admit an addiction to their doctor without being cut off cold - is shameful. These sorts of moralistic, crap policies drive people to street drugs with predictable results. This becomes even more unforgivable and mean-spirited in light of our attitudes toward overdose cures.

Several of my friends went down to hot-shots. I wonder how many would be here today if they could have bought from a regulated source? Some, but not all I suspect.

I have been addicted to opiates a few times in my life but never deserved to die for it.

We'll miss you Phil. You left a big hole behind. Peace.


Well-Known Member
If this was a bad batch of heroin, this seems like a good argument for legalization/regulation, this stuff wouldn't happen if it was officially regulated.
Is it a bad batch? Or a gooooood batch? Betcha his dealer sold out immediately. He would have sold out even if they were selling government regulated junk on every corner.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Yeah it would still happen no matter how regulated it is. Maybe it would happen less. But like Annie said, antagonists should be readily available. It's really fucking sad.

I'll say this though. Prohibition has created a social stigma that causes people to use alone. The fact that he was found in his bathroom might be significant. Even alone, he might have been hiding his use from the world. Fact of the matter is - if he had been with somebody and there was a dose of Nalcan (do I have that name right?) his life would have been saved.

I don't think using would ever become socially acceptable no matter what kind of measures are taken, but I am strongly in favor of making it less loathsome. Too many people have experienced this horrible lonely death. I think it would help if society held their arms out to users rather than shutting them out. Our current policies are completely whacked. The fact that a chronic pain sufferer cannot admit an addiction to their doctor without being cut off cold - is shameful. These sorts of moralistic, crap policies drive people to street drugs with predictable results. This becomes even more unforgivable and mean-spirited in light of our attitudes toward overdose cures.

Several of my friends went down to hot-shots. I wonder how many would be here today if they could have bought from a regulated source? Some, but not all I suspect.

I have been addicted to opiates a few times in my life but never deserved to die for it.

We'll miss you Phil. You left a big hole behind. Peace.
We used to tell the IV drug abusers to never shoot alone.

My hope is that one day we will try to come at it from a more enlightened angle and stop using these poor souls as the penal system's golden geese, all the while government eyes other classes with it's new, precedent approved, confiscatory appetite.


Well-Known Member
We used to tell the IV drug abusers to never shoot alone.

My hope is that one day we will try to come at it from a more enlightened angle and stop using these poor souls as the penal system's golden geese, all the while government eyes other classes with it's new, precedent approved, confiscatory appetite.
Amen. Got to feed the beast.


Active Member
people who OD usually do not do so because the dope was bad but rather because it was good and they either have not used for a few days or they were not used to it. when people go to cop they seek out the dope that has been killing. this is part of the insanity of it all.
i agree with everyone it does stink the legal system makes such a who-ha about it all and realy dislike cops myself. also its easy to see it from the other side having been a user myself i could run through my paycheck i 2 days and the rest of the week was struggle, hustle or steal and unless you are rich steal and hustle you will. also you will lie to your family and best friends, to your dog if needed. even f legal user would still steal to get more that's what being a junkie is. in recovery (i hate that word) we have a saying its called the "not yets" for all who say i use but i don't steal or lie there is one answer you do "not yet". i used to hate this speech and would tear people apart for saying things like this but in the end it was true.
in the end the best thing you can do for yourself and the people you love is to quit. its not easy its the toughest thing you may ever do in life but also the best thing you could do. you will hurt for a week or two and then it gets better, it can only get better.
ok much love to all hadn't wanted to come out of the closet but somebody need to speak up. my 26 year old cousin died this fall from an OD i was not aware she was even using she had not for long. it can happen from your first shot or after you have been using 30 years but as long as you shoot dope death is unavoidable. i have lost more friends from using dope than anything else combined just not worth it.


Well-Known Member
people who OD usually do not do so because the dope was bad but rather because it was good and they either have not used for a few days or they were not used to it. when people go to cop they seek out the dope that has been killing. this is part of the insanity of it all.
i agree with everyone it does stink the legal system makes such a who-ha about it all and realy dislike cops myself. also its easy to see it from the other side having been a user myself i could run through my paycheck i 2 days and the rest of the week was struggle, hustle or steal and unless you are rich steal and hustle you will. also you will lie to your family and best friends, to your dog if needed. even f legal user would still steal to get more that's what being a junkie is. in recovery (i hate that word) we have a saying its called the "not yets" for all who say i use but i don't steal or lie there is one answer you do "not yet". i used to hate this speech and would tear people apart for saying things like this but in the end it was true.
in the end the best thing you can do for yourself and the people you love is to quit. its not easy its the toughest thing you may ever do in life but also the best thing you could do. you will hurt for a week or two and then it gets better, it can only get better.
ok much love to all hadn't wanted to come out of the closet but somebody need to speak up. my 26 year old cousin died this fall from an OD i was not aware she was even using she had not for long. it can happen from your first shot or after you have been using 30 years but as long as you shoot dope death is unavoidable. i have lost more friends from using dope than anything else combined just not worth it.
Yep. If someone has good dope it becomes known quick and it sells quick.

Most likely, Hoffman got some of the dope with too much fentanyl that has been around on the east coast. It's been around.
Fentanyl in dope translates to "good dope" by most people. If it has a good rush or gives you the nods, it's usually known as "good dope".

I tried a fentanyl patch, years ago.. my god. That is a strong substance.

Still clean, woohoo!. But, I'm on subs, so, I couldn't do it even if I wanted to. I really don't want to though. I'm so done with that shit.
I never got that deep into it, by comparison to many folks. Dope life is not a good life. Fuck that.

1 more sub tmrw mrning. Skip Wed. One Thurs. Jump off Fri. Then I have three days off work to toss and turn a little. Back to work on Monday. Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so PSH's junk wasn't spiked with synthetics. And the NYPD brought the hammer down on some junk dealers. Four people are gonna fry because they had a high profile customer.

Anybody got any feelings on this?

Show trials to make us feel better and continue to dodge the underlying issue?