HEY! could someone please read this and answer it for me ??? Thanks

Had one (experiment) plant that was still in vegg. stage which I had taken a cutting from to run it under 12/12 lighting to determine sex. It showed male, no little white hairs or anything. So I let it run on to collect pollen.
What happens if you know for certain that you have a male and you force stress it or spray that liquid silver on it, will it reverse to female or become a Hermie or just simply stay a male? Thanks folks, I know - a stupid question, but curiosity has me wondering. (19-a).jpg


Well-Known Member
Not a stupid question at all. In fact I hadn't even thought about the prospects of turning a male into a female. Informative really. Also beautiful plant you grew there even if it is a male.
Not a stupid question at all. In fact I hadn't even thought about the prospects of turning a male into a female. Informative really. Also beautiful plant you grew there even if it is a male.
Thanks man, I thought I would practice topping and bending cause I real stink at it when I tired with my past ladies....go figure


Thanks man, I thought I would practice topping and bending cause I real stink at it when I tired with my past ladies....go figure
My first time around I ended up with two beautiful bushy males. Once I discovered that I tried every different thing I'd read about. Lst, supercrop, screen, fim, top, lollipop..... Then I basically tried to kill them for a few days to see how they reacted to different things before tossing them in the trash.
My first time around I ended up with two beautiful bushy males. Once I discovered that I tried every different thing I'd read about. Lst, supercrop, screen, fim, top, lollipop..... Then I basically tried to kill them for a few days to see how they reacted to different things before tossing them in the trash.
:and you tried to KILL them for a few days: ...... See, and who said revenge isn't sweet :blsmoke::peace: