Please help with my hydroponic plant problem please!

hello recently checked pH and it was way to high and that would explain the saggy niss in the leaves now i have that under a 250watt mh light with 4 t12 24watt lights what should i do i fixed the ph should i cut the affected leaves or what please help all opioions matter thanks
Yes, i am doing a hydroponic system of a 10 liter container with a hose tripping constat water by the stem, It got real nice and big during vegative stage and after i transplanted it into a differernt container The leaves started to act up like i was explaining i have the light about a foot away from the plnt with a fan blowing the hot air away from the 250watt mh light. ALso there 4 t12 24 watt lights on there too that are on Please let me know if you still need a pic its just hard to get a pic on this laptop ! thanks

  • Yes, i am doing a hydroponic system of a 10 liter container with a hose tripping constat water by the stem, It got real nice and big during vegative stage and after i transplanted it into a differernt container The leaves started to act up like i was explaining i have the light about a foot away from the plnt with a fan blowing the hot air away from the 250watt mh light. ALso there 4 t12 24 watt lights on there too that are on Please let me know if you still need a pic its just hard to get a pic on this laptop ! thanks



Well-Known Member
Without a pic it's reeaaally hard to diagnose properly. Could be a couple different things. Your lights and fan setup sound fine. How are your roots? A constant drip can lead to problems in the rootzone, perhaps put your pump on a timer. Only has to come on twice a day. Maybe 3 including a night watering. But again this depends on your setup.. Medium etc... A pic would really help.

Next i would say possible ph problem. Do you check the ph regularily?


Well-Known Member
Sagging leaves is usually caused by soggy roots. If your pH is high...pH down works well in hydro and a little goes a loooooooong way. In fact pH up and down a requirement for hydro. Get some.
Okay here are the pics i also took a pic of my purple plant i have in soil let me know what i need to do thanks all opioions are appreciated~!photo 2 (1).jpg


Well-Known Member
temperature dude. res temps are off roots are supposed to be more white. also temp plays a big part in ph.


Well-Known Member
Those roots should be white if they're healthy dude. Thats why she's not doing good. For one i dont think you have enough air being pumped into there. Maybe add another line and airstone. Or 2. Can never have too much air.

Also be sure to monitor the water temp. Do everything to keep it under 70f or you'll have problems.


Well-Known Member
Looks a little droopy... sorry I can't help you out I'm not a hydro grower but lets just hope that plant gets well soon - plant hospital


Well-Known Member
Ok so forgive me if I'm so off base about your setup that aeroponics? Or dwc? Or both? The previous post about water temps is accurate...but those water levels look really low to me. The net pot should be skimming the surface of the water and the more bubbles the better. Roots almost look dry? They do like to dry out in soil temporarily...but remember they are responsible for nutrient uptake and water. About 80% of the root mass should be in the spray ( for aero) or submerged in rich oxygen water created by a good pump and at minimum. One 6 inch airstone for that tub. A tub that size....go with two for really good results.

In hydro letting roots dry out isn't a real concern because in hyper oxygenated water they get plenty of oxygen. That's really the key for hydro growth>soil growth. Tooons of oxygen. The very reason scientists say all life was so big in prehistoric time ....more O2 in the air allowed for more absorption.

Your on the right path but do yourself a favor and watch hygrohybrids channel on YouTube...he's a hydro pro and has awesome video explaining the science behind it.

Your almost there my dude...just a few tweaks!
Ok so forgive me if I'm so off base about your setup that aeroponics? Or dwc? Or both? The previous post about water temps is accurate...but those water levels look really low to me. The net pot should be skimming the surface of the water and the more bubbles the better. Roots almost look dry? They do like to dry out in soil temporarily...but remember they are responsible for nutrient uptake and water. About 80% of the root mass should be in the spray ( for aero) or submerged in rich oxygen water created by a good pump and at minimum. One 6 inch airstone for that tub. A tub that size....go with two for really good results.

In hydro letting roots dry out isn't a real concern because in hyper oxygenated water they get plenty of oxygen. That's really the key for hydro growth>soil growth. Tooons of oxygen. The very reason scientists say all life was so big in prehistoric time ....more O2 in the air allowed for more absorption.

Your on the right path but do yourself a favor and watch hygrohybrids channel on YouTube...he's a hydro pro and has awesome video explaining the science behind it.

Your almost there my dude...just a few tweaks!
thank you very much for everything ! also what about my second plant thats in soil hows that one going


Well-Known Member
Best I can tell she's on point. That soil needs some perlite though to provide good drainage. Otherwise you'll end up with soggy roots possibly root rot. When you transplant her mix your new soil 30% perlite 70% soil.