CFL Grow How do they look?


Well-Known Member
Looks good to me, i think i see a little weird wrinkly a tad, but hell there is always one in the bunch that wants to go full blown retard. So they look great!


Well-Known Member
Over water, spike in temps, nutes, so many things can stress these temperamental plants out, and slow progress. They will come around, how much soil in buckets, how often you water, what are the temps, and are you ph'ing to something around 6.5?
I water around every 3 days... give or take. And i nuted with full strength neptunes harvest and burned them last week so this week i did 1/2 nutes and switched to big bloom and grow big fox farms ferts. And yah about 3 weeks from seed. Pots are 3 gallons Temps range from 83F lights on to 65F lights off. Soil is Happy Frog Fox Farms


Well-Known Member
back off on your nutrients . that's why the leafs are starting to claw up. no need to hit small plants that hard under cfl .


Well-Known Member
Thats what it is man, just a nute burn... next time wait for them to be 3-4 weeks from seed before introducing nutes, and start off with with a MINOR dose, like half or less. This young they have issues with nutes to any real normal degree on a constant basis...

I do feel inclined to say i have used ffof and used there damn 3 in one liquid ferts too, had much bigger, and way more dense life filled buds/plants with some cheap ass pre-used miracle grow moisture control to be honest. If you by a bag new, you dont even have to fert, its got enough for 6 mo, which is longer than most people grow a marijuana plant start/finish. just my .02


Well-Known Member
just water plain ph water for a week then go 1/2 strength until they get a foot tall . there is no need to ever hit them really hard in veg using cfl. I have a 7 foot tall plant in veg under cfl I hit it with light nutrients . its still very happy, the mommy plant. now if you were under metal halide you would need to hit them hard because they would grow an 1/2 to 2 inches a day they are staring for fertilizer


New Member
I think your right, they seem to look indica more than sativa, however it could be water issues causing leaves to droop down?


Well-Known Member
If you want to test what i said out, go buy a 10 dollar bag, use fox farm on a healthy clone, and mg moisture control on another healthy clone. (don't nute either for 4 weeks) then give them the same exact dose of whatever your mixing up in your res. My result's were absolutely night and day. I'll never buy that over priced shit again. Since i witnessed the difference personally, i would never buy anything FF again. There are many who trash mg here though, so just experiment around and try dif things.


Well-Known Member
I think your right, they seem to look indica more than sativa, however it could be water issues causing leaves to droop down?
I have never really been able to tell indica from sativa before flower cycle. They change a LOT! Don't bet on it this early, you could very well have a full blown sativa. Once you start flower watch the fan leaves, but the leaves protruding from the buds themselves will give better hints. Fan leaves are meant to be FAT to catch raze.
Last question I topped them and it doesn't seem like they are growing back? I topped last week i know i was eager and ferted/topped too quickly but as you can see nothing has grown back yet.
Over water, spike in temps, nutes, so many things can stress these temperamental plants out, and slow progress. They will come around, how much soil in buckets, how often you water, what are the temps, and are you ph'ing to something around 6.5?
I have never really been able to tell indica from sativa before flower cycle. They change a LOT! Don't bet on it this early, you could very well have a full blown sativa. Once you start flower watch the fan leaves, but the leaves protruding from the buds themselves will give better hints. Fan leaves are meant to be FAT to catch raze.
Well i mean the site i bought it from specifically said they were strawberry cough which is mostly sativa I did top them so maybe that is why they aren't growing so high... I topped last week probably to early and then still haven't recovered.


Well-Known Member
Topping / heavy clipping will stunt growth pretty much totally for a little bit, Most recommend cloning would be mother - into flower, at least two weeks before flipping the switch to allow them to get back in the right track health wise. Otherwise your initial insertion week or maybe more into flower could be wasted by the plant being too stunned to do much of anything, yet alone think about producing fruits.


Well-Known Member
It's all very normal for your plants to behave this way after what you told me. Just put them on the back burner in your head and try only to water them 2-3 times a week for about 2 weeks, they should look great in a bit.


Well-Known Member
i duno what temps ur getting in ur grow area. but the size container you have looks like it can retain quite a bit of water. always feel the weight of the pot to make sure its not over saturated.