So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

Yes it is friend. I spent the majority of my life there. It's so much a part of me, no, I am a part of it, my physical appearance, my character, my soul and spirit... The things I do, how I think, the things I say. My emotions are like the winds on the mountains. Miss my old home. Glad I am where I am now though, even if I will always have ancient stone mountains inside, unseen in this rain forest and ocean landscape, I am home, but I am not of these folk.

Very cool. I feel the same. My family moved from Alberta to BC when I was a teenager, and used to drive every year from Saskatchewan where I played junior hockey through the Canadian Rockies out to the Okanagan Valley. My breath was taken away each and every time as if I had never seen the mountains before. So majestic. As I get older my desire to move back is getting stronger.
the day i finally "retire" from this mess we call life you can bet il be headed for the rockies, or maybe the UP down some copper mine shaft... when isolation is the goal the rockies climb the list of places to go dramatically. like rrog for now i need ez access to infrastructure but someday a self sufficient house completely off grid out in the canadian rockies is a dream home of mine1
so whats everyones favorite source of cal mag? not the source your just generally give all plants to begin with, what do you add for the ones that need it? I've been using just a splash of general organics cal mag but i bet theres something even cheaper/more natural out there.

also, i know how most of you feel about buy pre bagged stuff but i found something I'm gonna give a run. remember how i was telling you i really wanted a way to break people into organics without having to teach them how nature works right away? well i found this stuff called OG tea, veganic special sauce! lol now the name sounds about as loaded with trigger words as you can get BUT from what I'm seeing its legit. its a new type of tea that you get better results from without aeration. just mix and go. came out to about $50 delivered to my door and that will make 192 gallons. bout 40 cents a gallon. this is the reason i decided to finally try it, its a pretty good value from everything I'm reading. I'm gonna do some straight up store bought pre mixed flowers vs all home mix/brew and see how it goes.

also I'm very impressed with that m3 soil i was telling you guys about so far. so far nothing but beauties. the ones in 1 gallon pots ran out of food a lot faster then i was expecting but its also only 1 gallon. they are some of the tightest little beauties I've ever grown in soil. so far m3 is a big thumbs up!
hmmm Nelson...

Now I have never been from this part of the main land, a little more east and on the other side of the mountains in the Banff/Canmore area was my home, I have been through Nelson a few times. My memory that sticks out most was with some friends. We where up from Creston, on our way to the Ainsworth​hot springs, after a day of hard work. That day just happened to be the 20th of April. There was a rather large "pot - parade" for reasons I can't recall, the whole of the town seemed to be making its way through the main streets in a haze of smoke, music and bright colours. Not a police officer in sight.

It's a beautiful town. Nice lake side pubs. Lots of winter sports, and plenty of things to do in the summer as well. Fishing, kayaking, mountain biking, rock climbing. Very pot friendly. And as you have asked about it, I am sure it is very well known world wide to the pot culture scene.

Excellent story mr johnson!:eyesmoke:
Bill Nye debating a creationist tonight... Just thought I'd express that this is a real waste of electrons.
Bill Nye debating a creationist tonight... Just thought I'd express that this is a real waste of electrons.

probably paying him pretty good for that. seems a little below what me would normally do.

the whole idea of god/no god and creation/evolution is the biggest unprovable mess (so far). my outlook..... we are here... we came into existence somehow.... lets enjoy that existence and accomplish some stuff instead of trying to figure out how we got here. i mean I'm all for wanting to know where we came from but I'm with you rrog... so many more useful things we could be expending the energy on.
I'd rather have a discussion of the merits of soil, or the building of vermicompost. Folks would be a lot better off.
I'd rather have a discussion of the merits of soil, or the building of vermicompost. Folks would be a lot better off.

Funny you should mention that.
After my first harvest i shook out all the soil added 2 big bags of vermiculite some more amendments and so far the plants love it even more. Plus the soil isnt so dense and heavy. I imagine that helps with root growth?
I think i have some perlite in it as well
Funny you should mention that.
After my first harvest i shook out all the soil added 2 big bags of vermiculite some more amendments and so far the plants love it even more. Plus the soil isnt so dense and heavy. I imagine that helps with root growth?
I think i have some perlite in it as well

I went light on the verm in my outdoor pots this year. Regretting it big time, it finally got HOT now it dries out a tad fast. Lesson learned :)
Funny you should mention that.
After my first harvest i shook out all the soil added 2 big bags of vermiculite some more amendments and so far the plants love it even more. Plus the soil isnt so dense and heavy. I imagine that helps with root growth?
I think i have some perlite in it as well

I learned this same lesson. I reamended soil several times with ewc not realizing that I was creating a very dense, muddy soil and never added any additional aeration bits to counter it. I ended up with a couple stunted crops due to lack of oxygen in the root zone. IMO, at least 25% of your mix should be aeration material. 33% is optimal.
^^^^^^ LIKE^^^^^^^^^ I have really learned to love pumice and lava rock up to 1 1/4". Seemed a little odd at first.
I learned this same lesson. I reamended soil several times with ewc not realizing that I was creating a very dense, muddy soil and never added any additional aeration bits to counter it. I ended up with a couple stunted crops due to lack of oxygen in the root zone. IMO, at least 25% of your mix should be aeration material. 33% is optimal.

I think i did the exact same thing. I did add Perlite though, does it make a difference?
Yep. Sure am.

Biochar at 1/4" to 3/8" maybe
Pumice at 1/2"-1"
Lava Rock at 3/4" to 1 1/4"

In Geopots
I think i did the exact same thing. I did add Perlite though, does it make a difference?

Perlite is fine, but it has a tendancy to float to the top of the container which kind of defeats it's purpose. I have switched to rice hulls and lava rock. I would prefer pumice over lava rock, but I'm having a bitch of a time finding some. One thing to keep in mind with rice hulls ..... if you're doing a no-till, you would be well advised to add something like pumice/lava rock along with the rice hulls as they will degrade over time and not serve their purpose as well, where as pumice will do it's job over the long term.
Good point about the rice hulls. The biochar sticks around for quite a while, too.

ebay has pumice