I just got an update from the guy in NZ. And this is how, primarily self rule works. Not well enough for me. We don't like situation like this. It is arbitrary restraint of trade by a civilian club.
So, in NZ, the control creeps, got it to the point where, you can only fly models at flying fields....PERIOD. Jeeze, NZ, has such a crowded air space? NO.
It has petty power players. It tries to happen over here, all the time, but the 3 legs, Bi-cameral system is designed against it.
Over the years the Model aircraft association, in NZ, created RULES and then more RULES. And in the end if you were not a member in good standing with a clear card, the flying field goons called the cops. So, no card from a bunch of little kids that have never pushed a stick, means you cannot fly models in NZ, PERIOD.
Well, they didn't like the kooky guy, like I do, and they pulled his card, and told him, "We will never say yes or no, to you again."
So, after his spittle and spew died down, he realized he had an appeal. Now, here is where it is weird. Our FAA would just laugh. "Models!!!!???? HA ha"
Theirs is the CFA, or CCA or some such. OK, the Feds say, "we may be able to issue and exemption on the restraint of trade issue."
This will make him the only guy in NZ that can fly where ever he wants, including the club flying fields.
He, of course, is sure, they will help him, after 18 months of business decline.
Me? I doubt it. I think the Model Association will appeal to the Fed and try to block him with character smears.
We will see.