Question about my plants

G'day guys this is my first grow and I have a few questions if anyone can help me out I would be really apprecetive.
at the moment I have around 10 plants 8 of the plants are about 7 daysold the outher 2are 4weeks old I won't to put the 2into flower the problem I have is I only have the one light.
i don't won't to spend anymore money on MH lights what is the cheapest way I can put my outher8 plants under lights. Do cfl work ok or can I keep my outher 2 plants in veg for anouther 4 weeks so the outher plants catch up or is dat too long this is my first ever grow so I really don't no what to do I'm not in a hurry to flower the 2 plants so it's not a prob I just won't to no if it can be done thank u guys



Well-Known Member
They look good.
sure you can wait another month.
usually container size will control plant size.

Good Luck on Your Grow


Well-Known Member
G'day guys this is my first grow and I have a few questions if anyone can help me out I would be really apprecetive.
at the moment I have around 10 plants 8 of the plants are about 7 daysold the outher 2are 4weeks old I won't to put the 2into flower the problem I have is I only have the one light.
i don't won't to spend anymore money on MH lights what is the cheapest way I can put my outher8 plants under lights. Do cfl work ok or can I keep my outher 2 plants in veg for anouther 4 weeks so the outher plants catch up or is dat too long this is my first ever grow so I really don't no what to do I'm not in a hurry to flower the 2 plants so it's not a prob I just won't to no if it can be done thank u guys
OK...First of all welcome to RIU and happy growing from here on out. This site is full of people who love to help :) I popped my first seed on this site, and have made many friends along the way. PATIENCE is the key to this game, and if you have it you will be rewarded for the wait.

Now, about the lights over the outter 2 plants :

If you want to keep them in vegg., you would need to put those 2 in another room seperate from the flowering plants. If you want to keep all the plants under that 1 light, i would spend some small money on a few CFL bulbs, then just hang them down around the side of your plants for side lighting.

From the picture it looks like you may run out of room in that tent long before you reach flower.

My suggestion would be to take the 2 bigger ones, and vegg. them a lil longer, hell even all 10 in the cabinet, then when ready to flower the big 2, pull the other 8, sit them in a closet under a 4 foot flourescent shop light, with 2 blue spectrum bulbs, on an 18/6 time cycle. This will keep the other 8 plants in veg. mode till they get bigger. By this time the 2 flowering plants will be done and you can move more into flower.

Hope this helps at all ;) Feel free to give more details when asking for help, so we know as much as we can about your tent conditions, to better answer your questions :)

Thanks lilmafi513 dats does help me out with info I do have one more question thou sorry to be a pain but I've brought a hole heap of nut I will post a pic can u tell me if they are ok and which one to use for flower sorry again for all the questions thanks Dudeimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
What I should ask is how do I use the nut and how much during flower and veg ATM I'm only using the one nut
Those nutes are fine, ive never used the sensi grow line, but ive seen others. Basically you have a veg. nute, and a flower nute. The others are for enhancement or to feed micro organisms in the soil.The best rule of thumb is to follow the nute bottles instructions for use, but remember to gradually introduce it to the plant. So say the veg nutes say to use 10Ml of nutes as a full dose, you would want to do the first feeding at 1/4 strength. Then increase over time to full dose.

You wont use any flower nutes until you switch the light cycle to 12/12, after that i always give one more full dose of veg nutes after the light switch. Then next feeding, start to introduce the flower nutes slowly, like you did with the veg nutes.