Question please help!?!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys so basically my girls are in third week since switching the lights. I looked under the pot and there is roots coming through the bottom, they are in 20l pots (4.5gallons) and are about 3ft tall. I veged them for 7 weeks so it's been 10 weeks all in all. But I'm not sure if there root bound or not? I took one of the plants out the pot to see what the roots are like and there are none down the side of the pots but at the bottom their are quite a few close together but no rootball? Are these rootbound? I can't see how this could happen with such a big pot in such normal vegging time. I have had no symptoms of droopy leaves etc. is this normal ? Thanks guys

oh and also it's not just one root coming out of bottom it's about 13 shoots coming through one hole in the pot ? Thanks :)

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I wonder? Is the pot sitting in a catch tray? Is there solution in the catch tray?
If so, the roots have grown into the catch tray to chase the solution there.
Drain the tray and water around the edge's of the pot, so the roots spread out to the moist media there.
Always keep your catch tray's drained - don't let solution "sit" in your catch tray's.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Nothing unusual about roots showing at the pot bottoms at that stage, its doing no harm either as these protruding roots are taking up oxygen, they wont keep growing out of the bottom once the plant detects there is no soil down there but instead will most likely branch out sideways to take up residence in the relatively root free side spaces. you just need to keep feeding and watering at the correct rates and if the pots eventually get to be root bound then that will be one of the limiting factors for further growth. 4.5 gallons is a goodish size and any other problems aside you should do well.


Well-Known Member
I wonder? Is the pot sitting in a catch tray? Is there solution in the catch tray?
If so, the roots have grown into the catch tray to chase the solution there.
Drain the tray and water around the edge's of the pot, so the roots spread out to the moist media there.
Always keep your catch tray's drained - don't let solution "sit" in your catch tray's.
Yes! I think that must be it !, water always sits in the tray after watering so obviously there chasing the solution, makes so much sense , thanks alot :D