Well-Known Member
Hey guys !!!!
About Quality assurance, which publication are you going to use ??? Any one got a link for European Pharmacopeia (Free) ?
The American Herbal Pharmacopeia has now included Cannabis
Hey guys !!!!
About Quality assurance, which publication are you going to use ??? Any one got a link for European Pharmacopeia (Free) ?
The American Herbal Pharmacopeia has now included Cannabis
while it is a nice thought to start your own grow operation for the Canada mmpr. Here is the problem. You can only sell to medical patients, and will be monitored very closely and you must keep meticulous records. You may be able to pinch a little for yourself here and there, but you cannot sell to anyone else. So the market is limited to what i understand is about 30,000 patients with a maximum of three ounces a month each. No more ( 3 grams a day ) some people even less. One or two grams a day. That would be about 60,000-90,000 ounces a month. 2556 Kilos a month. That really sounds like a lot but if there are 10 major companies operating that would be only 500 lbs each. They defiantly can and will produce that much each. Their prices on the net seem to be about $225 an ounce. So a med patient, to use 3 grams a day will cost him $675 a month. So how many of those patients can afford $675 a month ? In the past a lot of those patients grew their own at a very low cost, and sold their surplus to help pay their costs. So are they going to now start paying $675 a month or are they going to get a deal around the corner for a lot less.
You can get a license to produce. H.C. can not refuse you if you meet all the criteria. ( it is in the regulations ). You need a senior person in charge, an alternate person in charge an a person to distribute the M and keep meticulous records of patients and how much they were sold etc. These three people need security clearances only. Then you need a Quality Assurance Person that is certified ( eg. Greenline - Kelowna- $1995 ) You need a building that is very security safe. You need a Cement vault that can store your dried M to the amount of your licence. The smallest licence would allow you store it in a safe, locked in a secure room that is monitored 24/7 and alarmed. You must have everything in place before you get your license. $$$ outlay. You can grow all you want if you can sell it right away. If you cant sell it all right away you must store it in your vault. when the vault is full you have to stop growing or destroy what you have in the vault, to keep on growing. In order to sell all of your product you need to have those med patients register with you, and they may already be registered with a major. I am sure that if you sold for less money they may switch over to you. Then the next guy will have to lower his price in order to sell his product. I think that the customer base is very limited, as the prescriptions are going to be harder to get as you must use all other means first ( pharmaceuticals ) before the doc can prescribe M. So that customer base will be slow to grow.In order to sell your product you will have to sell at a lower price, which most likely will force the majors to lower their price and you then will be in the same boat. Eventually the price may come way down which will be good for the patients. Then maybe they will be able to afford to buy it legally. And remember you can't sell any of it to your friends.
My QAR report alone was 40 pages and my SOP's are an even larger package.
Health Canada doesn't list necessary qualifications for the QA but good luck if he/she doesn't have experience with lab work, pharmaceuticals etc. My QAR report alone was 40 pages and my SOP's are an even larger package.
Are producers allowed to use real strain names? Im sick of not knowing what Im taking as a patient. why the f should high times mag be allowed to get the real strain names from peace naturals, and not the patient?
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I'm not going to go into $ details.