Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

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Well-Known Member
Obviously a chick who digs anal needs to speak up here. *raises hand*

The last guy I was with, I asked him for it several times but he was too freaked out. I wonder if that's the first time in the history of ever that the girl's wanted it and the guy's refused.

Also, I cannot imagine going to a male gyno!! I've gone to the lovely nurse practitioners at Planned Parenthood for 20 years -- that's where I went when I first decided to get on the pill in high school and I've gone there ever since! I've been to PP in four states and they've all been fantastic. :)
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Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I won't go to a guy either...but for the simple fact that...he doesnt have a vagina, and so he has no idea what a pap is like.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with liking what you major bitch is when guys just assume all chicks like it. Some do, some don't.
Obviously a chick who digs anal needs to speak up here. *raises hand*

The last guy I was with, I asked him for it several times but he was too freaked out. I wonder if that's the first time in the history of ever that the girl's wanted it and the guy's refused.

Also, I cannot imagine going to a male gyno!! I've gone to the lovely nurse practitioners at Planned Parenthood for 20 years -- that's where I went when I first decided to get on the pill in high school and I've gone there ever since! I've been to PP in four states and they've all been fantastic. :)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I can. I have five brothers, and I grew up with my older brother who used to beat on me. Till I decided to fight back.So I fight just like a guy. Even if he wins, I'll still take a couple of chunks out of him.
Yeah, have you ever had a guy just try to go there without any fucking warning? :evil: Sometimes I wish I could hit like a man.


Well-Known Member
No, Stoney, lol, I know how to HIT, cuz yeah, I was raised with nothing but boys and uncles.

I mean I wish I could hit like a man as in hit that HARD. Because I don't kid myself, I know I can't hit as hard as a man. I'll hit my brother as hard as I can in his arm, and it doesn't even make him flinch.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Oh...I dunno...I can hit pretty hard when I'm mad. They do feel it. It does take me a long time to get mad enough to hit someone like that though. I really have to snap.I try not to snap because I don't have a criminal record and I'd like to keep it that way.:peace::mrgreen:
No, Stoney, lol, I know how to HIT, cuz yeah, I was raised with nothing but boys and uncles.

I mean I wish I could hit like a man as in hit that HARD. Because I don't kid myself, I know I can't hit as hard as a man. I'll hit my brother as hard as I can in his arm, and it doesn't even make him flinch.


Well-Known Member
go clean records!

if a guy doesn't ask. he either is an asshole and deserves nothing. or hes drunk and thinks hes a porn star. cant blame a guy for a little liquid confidence gone horribly wrong. tell him no and force him to make up for it.


Well-Known Member
i agree. i dont drink much at all. but why else would a guy walk through the back door with out ringing the bell first? courageous is all im saying.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'd call him inconsiderate...try doing that to a guy if you're a chick, and you're liable to get a nice shiny black eye!
i agree. I dont drink much at all. but why else would a guy walk through the back door with out ringing the bell first? courageous is all im saying.


Well-Known Member
That just ain't right. It creeps me out hearing about it, glad my gyno is female, lol. :confused::confused:
I wish he was lol! But even though he keeps a pocket full he really is a good gyno very gentle.He does share his office with a lady gyno which I had the pleasure of receiving a vaginal ultrasound from and she totally tore me a new one,felt like I just had a touching moment with a blue whale so im thinking the female gynos around here are lacking that "I feel your pain sister" touch.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I can. I have five brothers, and I grew up with my older brother who used to beat on me. Till I decided to fight back.So I fight just like a guy. Even if he wins, I'll still take a couple of chunks out of him.
Way to go!!! I always found that you should always take up for yourself.


Well-Known Member
I wish he was lol! But even though he keeps a pocket full he really is a good gyno very gentle.He does share his office with a lady gyno which I had the pleasure of receiving a vaginal ultrasound from and she totally tore me a new one,felt like I just had a touching moment with a blue whale so im thinking the female gynos around here are lacking that "I feel your pain sister" touch.:peace:
Just went through the male version of that... Why can't they remove all that ky jelly shit after..walk home like a geisha girl..
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