People aren't being "dicks", you just come off as an immature, lazy, insulting, trolling little punk. Someone tried to help you originally and you resorted to insults, calling him uneducated. Your name on here is grow some dope? and you have a few posts and come in and say something along the lines "I'm ready to grow now tell me everything I need to know and hand it to me on a platter with a silver spoon". From your language I too would guess you are under 18.
Secondly, it took some of these folks probably the equivalent of your entire life to get to where they are with their knowledge. Who the fck do you think you are to come out talking all this sh!t to begin with? No one is going to help you with that attitude. You should consider investing in some charm classes rather then growing equipment.
What is a cfl? or autoflower? Honestly dude? You are still here arguing with folks? If you are THAT LAZY then watch youtube videos. I think High Times Magazine has an hour an a half video that covers everything from germination to grow room set-up, and as far as harvesting and curing. From start to finish. Now I'd help you out with a link, and its a really cool modern video on growing, hydro, and all that good stuff. I don't think I will though, since you don't know how to respect folks.
See I only have a few posts too, and people could assume I'm trolling just like you. However, I pose the right question, respectfully. Some folks with a bit of free time might give you some of their hard earned knowledge, if you learn to carry yourself like a grown up gentleman.