Well-Known Member
YOU are the racist Buck
Anti-Racist = Anti White
You hate white people
Anti-Racist = Anti White
You hate white people
YOU are the racist Buck
Anti-Racist = Anti White
You hate white people
YOU are the racist Buck
Anti-Racist = Anti White
You hate white people
we should all strive to be more like the noble democrat Robert Byrd. Klansman, Racist, and US Senator until his death in 2010.
but democrats stopped being racist in 1968, right after their chicago convention, while republicans immediately dropped everything they believed in and scrambled to retrieve the fallen gem of racism...
sounds legit.
byrd renounced his past with the kkk over 50 years ago, you moron.
more historical revisionism from kynes.
whereas jesse helms switched parties, from the democrats to the republicans, because he abhorred civil rights.
more historical revisionism from kynes.
kynes just can't let anyone get away with the truth, which is that the republicans are now the party of racism, plain and simple.
need any proof of this? go check the stormfront presidential poll.
go ahead, just check it.
kynes is a fucking joke.
Robert Byrd was the only senator to vote against both African American Supreme Court nominees Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.
Clarence Thomas was nominated by President George Bush in 1990.
shh shh shh, in bucky's mind, byrd died back in 1970 when he finally stopped going to klan meetings.
byrd maintained his exalted position in democrat politics, and as a US senator until his death in 2010, but thats like 4 years ago, so it's ancient history.
meanwhile, shitty opportunists like Bloomberg can jump to the R side of the aisle without attainting themselves with racism, but when somebody as nasty evil and repugnant as jesse helms rejects racism and joins the republicans, he is just hiding his racism.
dont you know, disagreeing with bucky is racism, and only by agreeing with bucky can the taint be cleansed from your soul
it doesnt matter how much you hate minorities, how often you extol the virtues of slaveholding, or how high you stand in the Klan, as long as you mouth words which bucky approves, you aint racist.
Bucky's approval is a plenary indulgence for racist words and deeds.
Bucky also reserves the power to apply all that absolved racism to whomsoever he chooses, transfering the sins of Byrd, Duke, Helms (when he still was a democrat), and others, directly to whatever Judas Goat he desires to marginalize.
Bucky is The Pope Of Racism.
Coffee and Health Insurance.
It is a bizarre comparison.
In fact, I get a sense of false analogy fallacy.
But I suppose I am not the type of audience that cartoon was meant to entertain.
Perhaps viewers of FOX News, and Peter Schiff videos would appreciate it more.
more revisionist history buried under a pile of crybaby kynes crap.
byrd renounced the klan back in the 50s.
Then went on to be the only senator to vote against both African American Supreme Court nominees Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.
Clarence Thomas. I'll bet he had an African American friend too.
more revisionist history buried under a pile of crybaby kynes crap.
byrd renounced the klan back in the 50s.
but don't let facts get in the way of your dumbassery, kynes. i'll be here to point out when you get the facts wrong, like usual.