What if coffee were like ObamaCare?

YOU are the racist Buck

Anti-Racist = Anti White

You hate white people

it's hilarious that kynes actually accepts that stormfront motto, rails against multiculturalism, the threat of immigrants, blacks, and muslims, cites rushton, says "n***gers...are like that everywhere", calls the president by racial slurs, and then claims his party is not the racist one.

well, not hilarious.

more like a sad statement on how fucked in the head he truly is.
seriously though, kynes says philippe rushton is not racist.

even rushton knows he is racist, he openly funded white nationalist groups.

when people like kynes tell you that they and their party are not racist, you know they are only trying to convince themselves.
YOU are the racist Buck

Anti-Racist = Anti White

You hate white people

we should all strive to be more like the noble democrat Robert Byrd. Klansman, Racist, and US Senator until his death in 2010.

but democrats stopped being racist in 1968, right after their chicago convention, while republicans immediately dropped everything they believed in and scrambled to retrieve the fallen gem of racism...

sounds legit.
we should all strive to be more like the noble democrat Robert Byrd. Klansman, Racist, and US Senator until his death in 2010.

but democrats stopped being racist in 1968, right after their chicago convention, while republicans immediately dropped everything they believed in and scrambled to retrieve the fallen gem of racism...

sounds legit.

byrd renounced his past with the kkk over 50 years ago, you moron.

more historical revisionism from kynes.

whereas jesse helms switched parties, from the democrats to the republicans, because he abhorred civil rights.

more historical revisionism from kynes.

kynes just can't let anyone get away with the truth, which is that the republicans are now the party of racism, plain and simple.

need any proof of this? go check the stormfront presidential poll.

go ahead, just check it.

kynes is a fucking joke.

[TABLE="class: tborder, width: 100%, align: center"]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 75%"]Republican : Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan [/TD]
[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 12%, align: center"]28[/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 13%, align: right"]39.44%[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 75%"] Democrat : Barack Obama - Joe Biden [/TD]
[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 12%, align: center"]9[/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 13%, align: right"]12.68%[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 75%"] Libertarian : Gary Johnson - James Gray [/TD]
[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 12%, align: center"]10[/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 13%, align: right"]14.08%[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 75%"] Green : Jill Stein - Cheri Honkala [/TD]
[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 12%, align: center"]0[/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 13%, align: right"]0%[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 75%"] Constitution : Virgil Goode - Jim Clymer [/TD]
[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 12%, align: center"]2[/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 13%, align: right"]2.82%[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 75%"] Justice : Rocky Anderson - Luis J. Rodriguez [/TD]
[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 12%, align: center"]0[/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 13%, align: right"]0%[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 75%"] American Third Position : Merlin Miller - Virginia Abernethy [/TD]
[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 12%, align: center"]13[/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 13%, align: right"]18.31%[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 75%"] Other/Write-In [/TD]
[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 12%, align: center"]2[/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 13%, align: right"]2.82%[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 75%"] Did Not Vote [/TD]
[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 12%, align: center"]7[/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 13%, align: right"]9.86%[/TD]
[TABLE="class: tborder, width: 100%, align: center"]
[TD="class: thead"]
11-06-2012, 09:09 PM [/TD]
[TD="class: thead, align: right"] #2 [/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 175"] Λευκός εθνικιστής
Forum Member

Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: off the reservation
Posts: 5,847

[TD="class: alt1"]
Re: SF 2012 United-States Presidential Election Poll

I paid $2,735 to fly back the US specifically so I could drag all my children by their ears to the voting polls to vote for Mitt Romney.

I'm proud to say.

[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, align: right"] [/TD]
[TABLE="class: tborder, width: 100%, align: center"]
[TD="class: thead"]
11-06-2012, 09:46 PM [/TD]
[TD="class: thead, align: right"] #4 [/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 175"] buffalo
Forum Member

Join Date: May 2005
Location: Hell that is called Florida
Posts: 463

[TD="class: alt1"]
Re: SF 2012 United-States Presidential Election Poll

The wife and myself along with our son waited for 3.5 hours this evening in SW FL to vote for Romney,a vote for anyone besides Romney is a vote for obongo.
[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, align: right"] [/TD]
[TABLE="class: tborder, width: 100%, align: center"]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 175"] Saxoness
Forum Member

Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: C.S.A.
Posts: 703

[TD="class: alt1"]
Re: SF 2012 United-States Presidential Election Poll

[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: alt2"] Originally Posted by buffalo
a vote for anyone besides Romney is a vote for obongo.

Very true, which is why I too, voted Romney.

Although it’s always possible Obama could shock even more people awake/into action (he definitely has done some of that in his last term) It’s not worth the risk; besides, the benefits would have to be a lot more sure for me to be able to stomach casting my vote for a non-White, and one so vile and hateful at that.

As he has “won” again (regardless of the fairness of the election), I figure it does no harm to hope he will be more of a benefit in the long run than a harm (although nothing changes the shame of seeing them in the White house)

R.I.P Daniel Wretstrom—Heroes Never Die :

[FONT=&quot]Have I therefore become thine enemy because I tell you the truth? ~ Galatians 4:16[/FONT]

With enough effort, it is possible to imagine Europeans as preoccupied with slavery as blacks. If Europeans nursed grievances about galley slaves the way blacks do about field hands, European politics would certainly be different. There would be no grovelling apologies for the Crusades, little Muslim immigration to Europe, minarets would not be going up all over Europe, and Turkey would not be dreaming of joining the European Union. The past cannot be undone, and brooding can be taken to excess, but those who forget also pay a high price.”
~ Robert C. Davis

[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, align: right"] [/TD]

[TABLE="class: tborder, width: 100%, align: center"]
[TD="class: tcat, colspan: 4"]View Poll Results: Who do you want to win the presidential race? [/TD]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 75%"] Obama [/TD]
[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 12%, align: center"]17[/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 13%, align: right"]15.32%[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 75%"] Romney [/TD]
[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, width: 12%, align: center"]94[/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 13%, align: right"]84.68%[/TD]
this stormfront member shares remarkably similar views on multiculturalism with kynes.

[TABLE="class: tborder, width: 100%, align: center"]
[TD="class: thead"]
11-06-2013, 01:40 AM [/TD]
[TD="class: thead, align: right"] #7 [/TD]
[TD="class: alt2, width: 175"] UnmarkedGrave
A Homeland is a Human Right
"Friend of Stormfront"
Sustaining Member

Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Nola
Posts: 1,088

[TD="class: alt1"]
Re: 2016 who will we support for President?

[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: alt2"] Originally Posted by Dixie Land AKIA
Id vote for Glen Beck or hell even Donald Trump if they ran.

Glen Beck supports 3rd world immigration as long as it's "legal".
Controlled opposition.

I'm done.
I've been thinking about this for the last few months and I have very recently come to the conclusion that I will no longer support ANY party that isn't explicitly pro-White. I voted Libertarian most of my life, and I supported the Tea Party for a while, at least in theory. Those parties have massive followings amongst Whites in rural areas like Wyoming where I am originally from. Most of these people (and I know a lot of them) are totally okay with the idea of a mass-influx of non-Whites, as long as they work hard, pay taxes, and believe in "freedom", or whatever...

Just look at the situation in Lieth, ND. I'd bet at least half the original population of that town is Libertarian, yet they would totally welcome multiculturalism because they haven't yet been unfortunate enough to experience it first hand. No matter how long it takes, North Dakota WILL become multicultural if these folks continue to support Libertarians, Tea Partiers, or Republicans. The ONLY way we can secure a future for our beautiful White children at this point is by supporting explicitly pro-White political parties.
[TD="class: alt2"]
[TD="class: alt1, align: right"] [/TD]
byrd renounced his past with the kkk over 50 years ago, you moron.

more historical revisionism from kynes.

whereas jesse helms switched parties, from the democrats to the republicans, because he abhorred civil rights.

more historical revisionism from kynes.

kynes just can't let anyone get away with the truth, which is that the republicans are now the party of racism, plain and simple.

need any proof of this? go check the stormfront presidential poll.

go ahead, just check it.

kynes is a fucking joke.

Robert Byrd was the only senator to vote against both African American Supreme Court nominees Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.
Clarence Thomas was nominated by President George Bush in 1990.
Coffee and Health Insurance.

It is a bizarre comparison.
In fact, I get a sense of false analogy fallacy.

But I suppose I am not the type of audience that cartoon was meant to entertain.
Perhaps viewers of FOX News, and Peter Schiff videos would appreciate it more.
Robert Byrd was the only senator to vote against both African American Supreme Court nominees Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.
Clarence Thomas was nominated by President George Bush in 1990.

shh shh shh, in bucky's mind, byrd died back in 1970 when he finally stopped going to klan meetings.

byrd maintained his exalted position in democrat politics, and as a US senator until his death in 2010, but thats like 4 years ago, so it's ancient history.

meanwhile, shitty opportunists like Bloomberg can jump to the R side of the aisle without attainting themselves with racism, but when somebody as nasty evil and repugnant as jesse helms rejects racism and joins the republicans, he is just hiding his racism.

dont you know, disagreeing with bucky is racism, and only by agreeing with bucky can the taint be cleansed from your soul

it doesnt matter how much you hate minorities, how often you extol the virtues of slaveholding, or how high you stand in the Klan, as long as you mouth words which bucky approves, you aint racist.

Bucky's approval is a plenary indulgence for racist words and deeds.

Bucky also reserves the power to apply all that absolved racism to whomsoever he chooses, transfering the sins of Byrd, Duke, Helms (when he still was a democrat), and others, directly to whatever Judas Goat he desires to marginalize.

Bucky is The Pope Of Racism.
shh shh shh, in bucky's mind, byrd died back in 1970 when he finally stopped going to klan meetings.

byrd maintained his exalted position in democrat politics, and as a US senator until his death in 2010, but thats like 4 years ago, so it's ancient history.

meanwhile, shitty opportunists like Bloomberg can jump to the R side of the aisle without attainting themselves with racism, but when somebody as nasty evil and repugnant as jesse helms rejects racism and joins the republicans, he is just hiding his racism.

dont you know, disagreeing with bucky is racism, and only by agreeing with bucky can the taint be cleansed from your soul

it doesnt matter how much you hate minorities, how often you extol the virtues of slaveholding, or how high you stand in the Klan, as long as you mouth words which bucky approves, you aint racist.

Bucky's approval is a plenary indulgence for racist words and deeds.

Bucky also reserves the power to apply all that absolved racism to whomsoever he chooses, transfering the sins of Byrd, Duke, Helms (when he still was a democrat), and others, directly to whatever Judas Goat he desires to marginalize.

Bucky is The Pope Of Racism.

more revisionist history buried under a pile of crybaby kynes crap.

byrd renounced the klan back in the 50s.

but don't let facts get in the way of your dumbassery, kynes. i'll be here to point out when you get the facts wrong, like usual.
Coffee and Health Insurance.

It is a bizarre comparison.
In fact, I get a sense of false analogy fallacy.

But I suppose I am not the type of audience that cartoon was meant to entertain.
Perhaps viewers of FOX News, and Peter Schiff videos would appreciate it more.

the analogy is not that false.

mandating that people do business with a PRIVATE COMPANY (profit motive intact) under penalty of law, and then controlling that company in such a manner as to make them essentially a privatized arm of government is Fascism.

whether the product at issue is a beverage or a financial instrument is irrelevant.

it will not surprise me when, in a short time, the left starts cracking down on cats like me who dont bank.

keeping my money in cash, assets or specie robs the government and the banks of the opportunity to use my money as their seed capital for more fractional reserve lending, and that means i'm stealing from the economy.
before long having a bank account will likely be as unavoidable as having a Sosh Security number or an Obamacare plan.
more revisionist history buried under a pile of crybaby kynes crap.

byrd renounced the klan back in the 50s.

Then went on to be the only senator to vote against both African American Supreme Court nominees Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.
Clarence Thomas. I'll bet he had an African American friend too.
Then went on to be the only senator to vote against both African American Supreme Court nominees Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.
Clarence Thomas. I'll bet he had an African American friend too.

why do you find it surprising that a democrat voted against a republican nominee?

are republicans misogynists for voting against sotomayor and kagan? anti-semites? xenophobic?
more revisionist history buried under a pile of crybaby kynes crap.

byrd renounced the klan back in the 50s.

but don't let facts get in the way of your dumbassery, kynes. i'll be here to point out when you get the facts wrong, like usual.

"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

—Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1946

yeah. he totally just joined for the fun of a few lynchings, and to recruit a few like minded crackers to the cause.

Byrd "renounced intolerance" because public opinion was against the Klan and he wanted to get into politics.

"He wasn't a Klansman long enough to get his sheet broke in," said Travis Pierce, national membership director for the Ku Klux Klan, LLC, one of several groups that uses the KKK name. "It's much ado about nothing."

thats right The Klan is going to bat for their former Grand Kleagle (lulz, vaginal flexion FTW) and later Grand Exalted Cyclops (sweet jesus they are dopey) to defend his "legacy" and youre right alongside them.

maybe that why you are so intimate with the content of Stormfront...

Meanwhile in Bucky's fridge:
