Need help..:)


New Member
Hey dear stoners, I have a question.. I have a plant two months old.. can I switch to the flowering phase or not yet.. (see the attached pictures:))
If I could switch into flowering phase.. what should I do? I know the light timing changes from 18-6 to 12-12.. but is that all? do I need to do something else??
Thank you in advance and stay HIGH:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I would wait a couple more weeks on her before flipping the lights, unless you have limited grow space and need a little plant.
Figure that the first month of flowering that plant will probably double in size... Just something to consider.

As far as flowering goes-
Stick with 12/12 once u start.
No light leaks whatsoever! Triple check that part
What kind of fertilizer, if any, do u use?
Make sure your temps are ok for flower( a bit cooler) and air flow is crucial! Get some fans in there blowing around and that plant will harden up and support a big cola, if everything goes smooth.

Looks good so far!



New Member
I would wait a couple more weeks on her before flipping the lights, unless you have limited grow space and need a little plant.
Figure that the first month of flowering that plant will probably double in size... Just something to consider.

As far as flowering goes-
Stick with 12/12 once u start.
No light leaks whatsoever! Triple check that part
What kind of fertilizer, if any, do u use?
Make sure your temps are ok for flower( a bit cooler) and air flow is crucial! Get some fans in there blowing around and that plant will harden up and support a big cola, if everything goes smooth.

Looks good so far!

Thank you for the reply but I just wanted to know if the harvest yield would be affected or not.. and no, I don't use a fertilizer
about the fans.. I have a good ventilated room so do I still need the fans. and for which part the dark or the light one or should the fan be on all the time??
Thanks again