Trimming Machine Purchase Advise

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
if you had a twister & you charged $100 a lb, you'ed never see a day off. if the twister can do 1lb an hr? that's $100 an hr!!!
Exactly. Good scissor workers take 8-10 hours per lb. from what I've seen. There is a perception though that machines do a crappy job (and I have no idea if this is true or not, I've never used one) You would probably have to do a demonstration to show people the end product. Plus think of all the dry ice hash you could make if they let you keep some of the trim.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Good scissor workers take 8-10 hours per lb. from what I've seen. There is a perception though that machines do a crappy job (and I have no idea if this is true or not, I've never used one) You would probably have to do a demonstration to show people the end product. Plus think of all the dry ice hash you could make if they let you keep some of the trim.
Well, NOTHING beats a good hand trim. Nothing.


Well-Known Member
True. But I've also seen plenty of people who show up for scissor work and do a shit job, drink all your beer, smoke a bunch and then try to skip out before the job is done.
That's why the same trusted group of people makes decent money lending their services to a select few.


Well-Known Member
I'll drive the truck and operate the machine if you wanna go into do something with all that retirement time ;)
I have the truck....just pick up a used toyhauler off of craigslist and go mobile!....I'd want $100 a lb & all the trim.did somebody say dry ice hash?.........



Well-Known Member
In Canada you get paid about $20-$25 an hour for trimming. Don't rub your eyes whatever you do!

I bought the trim reaper. You can see one working most probably on you tube. I bought it for $1000 a few years ago and now it sells for $1200 approx. If you're a grower and you harvest 10 pounds - 20 pounds a harvest indoors, then that's the machine worth putting on your list as a definite option. But you should have two people working. One guy cuts down the stems from the plant. Then each of you go through a pile cutting rough buds into the machine. 2-3 minutes with the trim reaper and then you put them onto the drying racks. The thing is if you do rent yourself out to people that trust you and your service, make sure you have two people. For one person to cut down the stems of the plant, do the rough cuts, put the rough bud into the machine, and then put that onto the racks, it is a very long time doing that so one person - one machine...not the best formula. Best formula in my opinion (with some experience behind me) is two people and one machine. And if you got three people in there helping...that makes things get done way way quicker than just one person - one machine.

If you put in big main colas and thick stems then two things will happen. The stems go through the floor and whack the spinning blade and that bends the blade so you do have to have smaller rough cuts put in there. You can't just throw in fist size wet colas because it'll mess up the machine and your prize main colas. You need to snip so there isn't a chance that your laziness is going to cause the stem to stick through the grates as the bud is being moved around on by those rubber'll find your own routine and make the work flow but there are some basics don't's which you will quickly learn. Changing blades on these machines take a bit of time - that's any machine that has a blade and turns around snipping off the excess.

Have more than one person working on this and work time can be cut in half or more but just one person and a machine is the same as two people trimming by hand in my opinion time wise. Hope this helps.
A very good trimmer is the centerion pro its 9995$ the cheaper tunnel trimmer vs twister and samuri. i love this thing me and about 2 others trimmed 220#"dry" in about 2 weeks. this saved me tons and the bud looks great i would deff save to buy a tunnel trimmer vs the other types. check it out


New Member
We got a used TrimPro for $700, and even though the cost seemed kinda high, it was well worth it. We use it right on site, trimming the branches immediately after cutting them off the plant, using only two people. I would say it's pretty damn efficient. It takes off all the larger "water" leaves and you only have to do a little bit of manicuring by hand. It cut our processing time in half, easily, and possibly more. If you have issues with trimming because of pain, or other reasons, an electric trimmer like this is so worth it! I'd recommend trying to find one used, the prices are so high brand new, although if you can afford one new, I would definitely get one.

I have a question for you all, has anyone ever used a silicone spray on one of these units? People always recommend using Pam non-stick spray, but I was wondering about this silicone spray I got for my tent, seemed like it might work better, but I'm hesitant to try it...

jessica d

Well-Known Member
twister 14k power hog and loud
centurion 9k loud but better deal then twister
satellite 7k most versatile quiet and less power
trim pro original 1700 you make the technique totally adjustable but trim wet
trim pro rotor 1700 depends on strain u can wreck it but the top is removeable to be like original. 2 motors so more power
garden boss pool method priceless ;-)

i am unsure what to do our laws mit change april 1st to have no legal home growing so to buy expensive trimmer i will wait.
i was pretty mad awhile ago to hear ppl in the canadian med forum saying growers shouldnt be paid anything to grow medicine for sick ppl and trading high plant counts for free buds. just trimming alone is hard on body and $$. some smarter guys changed there minds but to the other guys that think it is so easy they need to do it.. power security facility and a list of other things cost and no grower should be treated as a slave :weed:

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
twister 14k power hog and loud
centurion 9k loud but better deal then twister
satellite 7k most versatile quiet and less power
trim pro original 1700 you make the technique totally adjustable but trim wet
trim pro rotor 1700 depends on strain u can wreck it but the top is removeable to be like original. 2 motors so more power
garden boss pool method priceless ;-)

i am unsure what to do our laws mit change april 1st to have no legal home growing so to buy expensive trimmer i will wait.
i was pretty mad awhile ago to hear ppl in the canadian med forum saying growers shouldnt be paid anything to grow medicine for sick ppl and trading high plant counts for free buds. just trimming alone is hard on body and $$. some smarter guys changed there minds but to the other guys that think it is so easy they need to do it.. power security facility and a list of other things cost and no grower should be treated as a slave :weed:
Thanks, I do love the new pool method. I don't plan on buying a trimmer any time soon, unless its a deal to good to pass up.
Sorry to hear about the new laws, were going thru shitty new growing ordinances around here also.


Well-Known Member
twister 14k power hog and loud
centurion 9k loud but better deal then twister
satellite 7k most versatile quiet and less power
trim pro original 1700 you make the technique totally adjustable but trim wet
trim pro rotor 1700 depends on strain u can wreck it but the top is removeable to be like original. 2 motors so more power
garden boss pool method priceless ;-)

i am unsure what to do our laws mit change april 1st to have no legal home growing so to buy expensive trimmer i will wait.
i was pretty mad awhile ago to hear ppl in the canadian med forum saying growers shouldnt be paid anything to grow medicine for sick ppl and trading high plant counts for free buds. just trimming alone is hard on body and $$. some smarter guys changed there minds but to the other guys that think it is so easy they need to do it.. power security facility and a list of other things cost and no grower should be treated as a slave :weed:
What is the pool method?....

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
What is the pool method?....
That's when I take my buds and buck down/ remove stem, then dump into a small 5 foot small pool. Then mixed by hand, rolling them around. Tumble trimming the majority of leaves off, then shake screen sort out buds. This does about 80% or more of my trimming. and popcorn, kief and trim for my hash material totes. I also like to stand when Im trimming. The pool also works good for keeping an eye on other trimmers circle around :)


Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Yeah I final trim with scissors by hand. Some strains need more than others after tumble. Purple Crack is passabe just tumbled, but Chernobly was/is a brutal one for me to trim. I see a trimbot in my future, and Im stocked on pools :)


Well-Known Member
The main thing I like about the trimbot is that if you take just a little time pre-stripping, the buds come out bag ready. Also it trims wet, so I don't have to hang everything first. But it does a good job and works fast. For the money you can't beat it.