Well-Known Member
My lacto-b didn't separate like yours did Hamish. And it took a long time. Maybe having a lid on it caused that. I don't know.
There is a very interesting seminar written by a Korean professor dealing with Beneficial Indigenous Microbes, I will go dig on Rrog's thread and find it. If you are even slightly interested you will love it. You know how we focus on teas, he is more into fermented foods. Really interesting stuff.
This sounds pretty awesome, right up my alley. I think it's amazing how beneficial microorganisms are in our everyday lives and how often people take them for granted. I've been working in an activated sludge plant for a few years now and it never ceases to amaze me to watch how a 500,000 gallon bio-reactor lives and breathes, literally. I'm headed to the bookstore later to pick up a copy of Teaming with Microbes and now I'm gonna do a little searching around to see if there may be any printed literature on fermentation gardening. Thanks MH!
Great stuff Mad! Can you please post some wisdom here
Your right Lactobacillus is a facultative anaerobic bacteria amongst other things. Meaning it forms ATP when oxygen is present. In oxygen's absence it ferments.Was it quite cold where you were doing the culture? Cold really slows it down, around 25 degrees C is just right. It also makes a difference how long you let the rice water stand for, and yes a lid will really slow it down too. As with all biological processes a lot of gasses get released and exchanged, I think it is oxygen in and CO2 out, I can't remember. I just know that every tutorial recommends allowing air exchange.
There is a very interesting seminar written by a Korean professor dealing with Beneficial Indigenous Microbes, I will go dig on Rrog's thread and find it. If you are even slightly interested you will love it. You know how we focus on teas, he is more into fermented foods. Really interesting stuff.
Anybody ran larry lotus yet?
Greenblood said:Strain Evaluation Smoke ReportStrain?
LARRY LOTUS Breeder?BODHI SEEDS Sativa Or IndicaINDY headyLineage?
LARRY OG x SNOW LOTUS Grown Or PurchasedI grew this strain myself Indoor Grown or OutdoorIndoor Organics or SyntheticsOrganics 100% Hydroponics or SoilSoilBag Appeal
Bud Density
- 10. It was like a bag of diamonds woo hoo
Odour Level
- 4. Quite dense but can be squeezed
5. smells very nice pungentDescribe odour in your own words
Smells like an OG, like when you smell good OG wax not super powerful smelling more subtle, but you know its potent.Smoke Report![]()
8. Tastelemonee yumm oily coats mouth Smoothness9. Indica Or Sativa highIndica Body but also Heady Immediate Effect or Creeper2. Duration of High2-3hrs High DescriptionSmoking three different strains using the Volcano vaporizer. This being the favorite of the group. The LL tasted complex and oily, that is hard to do with the volcano as even some good herb taste like stale popcorn at times.. The HIGH definitely elevates Heady, Bobble Head, Behind the eyes, soothes the body and soul.Medicinal value
I Started the report with two bowls from a glass tube after the second pull on the first bowl you felt it coming on and then within a few minutes you feel it step up. Taste good all the way down to the ash. Very nice HiGH last 2 hrs or so ill see how long I can wait to smoke another bowl!
Here are the two phenos I got out of two seeds. The one on the right is the winner and the subject of this smoke report..
Good for pain relief Keeper?Yes Your DOBX\XX\1972Duration of your cannabis use?
FOREVER Cannabis use - Frequency?
Cannabis Use - Quantity
- Daily use - night and day
Wax & flowers during smoke breaks with friends, for pain issues at night..
Quit being so damn politically correct HamHow do you plan on running your testers?
Ok fine Red. NUKE A FAT BLACK GAY WHALE FOR JESUS! Enough political incorrectness to last me the year in one sentence. Testers will always be LOS. Most people I know run soil so I figured best to get the test info in soil, especially Bodhi who has a huge organic following. Tests are not about what I want to do but more about gathering information. Right now I am running a pheno for Gage that we all know has hermed in another test, so right now my job is to watch closely, take note IF any nanners, where, when etc. Was it the other guy's room, or is it the daddy (the mommy is well known and trusted already). Basically making sure the boy is solid.
Unless I am asked to stress test it will always be soil. I do a lot of experiments but not all of them work out lol...
I've got one that has the blueberry muffin smell and one that has a more chem/fuel background. I've got both flowering now again, but I took them both at 10 weeks. All signs of finishing was there. Swelling calyxs, receding pistils, and primarily cloudy. I can't imagine letting them run 12-14 weeks as at that point they'd be all amber. Both really pack on weight at the 9 to 10 week point.
Testing kudra x purple nl5 and deadly G x Blueberry Indica and could not be 2 more different strains. The kudra crosses are bushy beastly mammoth mongers from the planet dankulon. The Deadly Gs are SHORT FAT leaved evil looking things. They did NOT liked being topped. One thing I hate about those types is the difficulty in getting a clone sometimes. They are about 5 weeks old in veg. Just waiting for room to flower them.
Also, some of the Blueberry Indica cross have "crinkled" leaves ( best way I could describe this) in researching I read it was a trait in some of the BB genetics? Anyone know anything on this?
Brek did you keep cuttings in hopes of a possible mother? In multigeneration clones the crinkling effect subsides. The crinkling effect seems to be more apparent in outdoor grows versus indoor ones. Clankie is absolutely correct on his response. Another note those lines are extremely nutrient sensitive just an fyi kind of like some white widow strains. It will let you know right away if your nutrient regimen has surpassed the threshold. And is the non responsive topping is that a common trait with the deadly g series? How about the ghash?I don't know if I would really recommend topping any of the deadly g x indica hybrids unless you want to spend the rest of your life in veg, or have some kind of a setup where your finished plants are around 18" tall. This goes particularly for the Dank Zappa, Deadly Bubba, and Monolith crosses. Plants are not all the same, I prefer to grow them out from seed with only LST when necessary, and save techniques like topping for the clone runs when I have a better idea of how a plant will grow.
Oh, and yes, crinkle leaf deformities are common in DJ's lines, particularly Blueberry and the Grape Krush. They usually grow out of it, sometimes they don't, either way its harmless.