Veg leaf hash oil

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Im trying to decipher where the teflon you were scared to scrape off was from. Are you evapping right in a nonstick cooking pan?


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats what i did but i see the problem with that now, which is why ill use some kind of glass next time and im leaning towards using 91% iso too instead of everclear.


Well-Known Member
ok, im definitly switching to iso because at first this oil smoked good, but now its caking up all kinds of black crap all over my vape coil and causing parts of the coil to not heat up right. I had to soak the coil in alcohol to get the stuff off. It kinda looks and acts like pipe resin after its smoked, it bubbles up and cools rock hard sure its from all the water in the everclear coagilating all that junk.

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Exactly the 25% water catches all the water soluable garbage. Ill reinerate my original point. Read up on qwiso teks. If you cant get 99% get 91% iso and try again. Safer this time please


Well-Known Member
Exactly the 25% water catches all the water soluable garbage. Ill reinerate my original point. Read up on qwiso teks. If you cant get 99% get 91% iso and try again. Safer this time please
Yes lol i will be using 91% iso and evaporating with a glass dish on a hotplate outside. I dont have a hotplate but sure i could find one cheap at a thrift store.

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Ive used ann electric skillet with a hot water bath before. Can get a cheap one for16-36 bucks. Pyrex glass dish. I prefer rounded no pesky corners. I now evap with no heat just. Fan blowing over it. Takes about 24-36 hours this way but keeps all the flavor.


Well-Known Member
I question both the hotplate and outside.....

What kind of product are you going for..I take great pride in the quality of my hash
Personally I don't use any heat...ever... but if you must I would only do it trying to purge the remaining water that takes its sweet time..also try to keep it as dark as possible

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Everyone should take pride in their concentrates, imho if your not trying to make the best possible product then you have no business extracting.