I like how our pal Hypoaspis is kicking the asses of the mites that are killing honeybees.
I did not know this. This is the best of news!
I am observant (borderline autistic my dickhead friends will say ;0)
and noticed the drop in bees even in the late 80's. It was five years
before I heard it mentioned and another 5 or more before Colony
Collapse Disorder was being bandied about.
It was very unsettling...very Silent Spring-ish, to see this happen.
I recalled the hanging walls of ice-plant that are popular in our heat,
and their being covered in clouds of bees when flowering. When I saw
1000s of such blooms going apparently unnoticed by life, I knew that
something was wrong.
The freaked out frogs which turned out to be a nasty fungal infection,
was another recent concern.
I am not certain how far we need to react, but we must never turn a blind eye.