The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
afternoon gents, still no net, noa cess till early next month piss take,but it is what it is, ordered a tent and gunna get going with exo and livers,

cut the purp in half and we now have 5 tops! lol stoped her stretching thats for sure.

anyone use that tomorite plant food liquid stuff, tomato platfood red bottle,?seems ok may run it n the coco for teh shit of it with it having the calmag and seaweed,>>>?

hows tri then guys, glad to see su people getting to work,


Well-Known Member
Evening all, picked mhyself up some beers for tonight and gonna smoke the last of this exo that was sent to me. Gonna have no smoke till end of nxt week now cos im skint so need to wait till the exo im choppin on monday is dry,
Anyone got any samples they want tested lol ?


Well-Known Member
afternoon gents, still no net, noa cess till early next month piss take,but it is what it is, ordered a tent and gunna get going with exo and livers,

cut the purp in half and we now have 5 tops! lol stoped her stretching thats for sure.

anyone use that tomorite plant food liquid stuff, tomato platfood red bottle,?seems ok may run it n the coco for teh shit of it with it having the calmag and seaweed,>>>?

hows tri then guys, glad to see su people getting to work,
u still trying to fuk ur plants up man? tomorite ffs, why


Well-Known Member
Evening all, picked mhyself up some beers for tonight and gonna smoke the last of this exo that was sent to me. Gonna have no smoke till end of nxt week now cos im skint so need to wait till the exo im choppin on monday is dry,
Anyone got any samples they want tested lol ?
dunno how ur gonna manage that mate been only a few days for me n it sucks donkey dick!


Well-Known Member
Hi all fucking internet has been cut off cus cant afford to pay it lol. Chedz packet arrived bro all good :-)
Just been reading back lol chedz you mix mine n dons packets up you told me I was getting scissor hash n exo hahaha
Clones shud root in a few more days mate. :-D

Fucking sucks having no net !


Well-Known Member
Evening shit lips how are we all? Took the clones out the jiffys the other day re dipped em stuck em in coco with a bottle over the top of em and now this motherfucker has got roots Yeh man we'll chuffed tent all set up with just 600 running for feed oltimers bring the fucker oooooon


Well-Known Member
Evening shit lips how are we all? Took the clones out the jiffys the other day re dipped em stuck em in coco with a bottle over the top of em and now this motherfucker has got roots Yeh man we'll chuffed tent all set up with just 600 running for feed oltimers bring the fucker oooooon
I take it you're pleased so? Haha fair fucks bud...hows the job going?


Well-Known Member
Yeh man I'm more than chuffed ecstatic is more on point lmao....Yeh new jobs going well thanks long hours and me feet are killing me but the moneys good and its a good crack so Yeh I'm happy mate...just chilling out with a nice joint and a few red stripe oh yes


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha Yeh man I've whacked it in a 1 ltr pot and there's 1 nice white root sticking out the side that's good enough for me Lol pot will be full in a week


Well-Known Member
Quick up date on my shiting ,cunting situation , found out Hedlu are living across road for 6 months untill there main place is refurbed !, I've shut up shop till then, what with the ledge next door with an attic full !, @Rob, my bro will grow those seeds or I can return them Rob ?, W Dragon, the cuts will still be available m8, no worries. Will have to purchase untill things go back to norm !. Chins up .