Feed/Nutrients Guys?

Hi, I have an auto at 3/4 weeks now and want to start feeding her. Threads i read show people using 4-5 different types of feed/nutes. Im on a budget and was wondering what i should use? Want big buds vo so will compromise. Im using a fan to increase stem size = bigger buds. Any other techniques for bigger buds? big buds.



Well-Known Member
How about Bio Bizz grow and bloom, £10 each for 1 litre. I'm assuming you are growing in soil?

Dro joe

bro 100% go with canna products for coco if they sell them near you, I have always had way better results with there products then I have with GH.. if not you can order them online pretty cheap just grab the A and B solution the additives aren't needed right away..


Well-Known Member
1 teaspoon of urine(yours) to a quart/ liter of water, spray every 2 days or water 1x time per week, ...now thats cheap ....lol (true)


You can use just about anything in coco. If your mix has nutrients in it already you don't need anything for a week or 2. If not I would use something with pretty even ratios for the first month and a regular flowering fert for the second. Find the three part with the best price tag and follow instructions as though your starting at the first week of bud. Dilute it down to half strength as your plants are smaller than most entering bud. I would add a little extra nitrogen the first couple weeks. Remember coco needs cal/mag so get nutrients designed for coco with it already in there or get a supplement.

Dro joe

You can use just about anything in coco. If your mix has nutrients in it already you don't need anything for a week or 2. If not I would use something with pretty even ratios for the first month and a regular flowering fert for the second. Find the three part with the best price tag and follow instructions as though your starting at the first week of bud. Dilute it down to half strength as your plants are smaller than most entering bud. I would add a little extra nitrogen the first couple weeks. Remember coco needs cal/mag so get nutrients designed for coco with it already in there or get a supplement.
Hence me saying to use a coco blend (no need for outside additives such as calmag obviously making it cheaper) also coco doesnt come pre mixed it comes with a buffered PH nothing else.


Well-Known Member
The op wants a good yield but he bought an Autoflower, so that doesn't make much sense either? :o lol


Hence me saying to use a coco blend (no need for outside additives such as calmag obviously making it cheaper) also coco doesnt come pre mixed it comes with a buffered PH nothing else.
Well I didn't know I use a soilless for autos that has some organics mixed in so I don't have to do shit the first month. Thought I had seen similar coco products. When you put something like "pro" in the name it implies that there is more in there than just coco.


Well-Known Member
its not necessary since hes using a prewashed coco thats been amended with cal/mag but if he were to have any problems itd be with calmag.


blue planet is by far the cheapest out now. used to be cheaper but theyve upgraded recently. used to be 7 bucks a quart for anything 15 bucks a gallon. Not too much more now.


pretty sure he can afford a bottle of calmag when the 2 part is only 20 for 2 quarts.

3 part is 30.

calmag is 12 or 15 i think.