Can I use twice the lights by using 220v to 110v step down voltage converters


New Member
My flower room and veg already push the capacity of my Amps. Im using 220v halides but want to switch to 110v T5s. Will using a 220v to 110v step down voltage converters (like the travel ones) allow me to run twice as many 110v T5s while using the same amount of amps?


Well-Known Member
No. For a given load your amperage is lowest with higher voltage.

Watts = Volts x Amps

Note the watts you have on that circuit is fixed.

Converters also waste a little wattage.


Well-Known Member
I understand that, but when you have a 240v 30a breaker it is still 30amps, not 60. Draw measured is just that.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I understand that, but when you have a 240v 30a breaker it is still 30amps, not 60. Draw measured is just that.
a double 30 amp breaker is 30 amps per hot leg. 240v has 2 hot legs,120 volt has 1 hot leg. 240 allows you to run smaller wire and is less wear and tear on equipment. But a 1000 watts is a 1000 watts, doesn't matter what power is supplied to it.


New Member
Thanks all. Not sure if my question is answered yet. Ill try rephrasing...
Not asking about Wattage / Power used. I'm clear if Im burning 400w im using roughly the same power / paying the same elect. Im asking specifically about amps. Lets say I only have 40 amps I can alocate to the veg and im already using all of those 40 amps w/ my 220v halides connected to the unit chuck estevez recommends. If I want to switch to T5s that only run on 110v I would only be able to run 1/2 as many watts with the same 40 amps I have. So my question is if by using these converters and plugging them into the can I then run the same wattage of T5s as I am Halides?


Well-Known Member
Just get T5 lights that are 220v or have multitap ballast so you can change them to 220v. Using the converters isn't the way to go. If you must do it then as long as the converter is rated for the wattage it should work. Some power is wasted by the transformer in the converter (heat).


Well-Known Member
Maybe this isnt what you are looking for but if you switch to COB LED instead of T5 for veg it will solve all your wiring problems and save you piles of cash on electric. I used 60W diy LED to veg for a 2400W HPS grow. Granted I don't need to veg fast but you get the idea.