gateway plant it!
not really dude cos i usually grow demon red!! fucking hot 1's!!!!
but i'd suggest just pot em and stick em on ur sunniest windowsill. chilis really need loadsa sun. most have 80-90 harvest cycle. but they are perenials!!! so pick and come again.or most are. real fucker weed ain't the same eh!!??!!
if u want to grow em out doors, start them just like weed, small pots etc but do it indoors then when they're around 5-6 inches, aclimatise them to outside, few hours a day,increasing the amount over a week, then plant em out in your suniest spot.really can't stress this enough.they need sun!!
once the fruit (cos it's fruit not veg!
) starts to form..use a tomato nute if u want to feed em!
are we really talking bout chilis on a weed forum???!?! lmao
or put em under a light, if u just happen to have 1 lmfao