Yes but it is her inability to ever tell the truth
that bothers me the!
finshitty is too young to remember libturds did the same thing to mccain.
yeah, because hillary said she could see russia from her window..
yeah, because hillary said she could see russia from her window..
I believe it was Sarah Palin that said that stupid shit about seing Russia through her whatever.
finshitty is too young to remember libturds did the same thing to mccain.
No, it was Tina Fay playing Sarah Palin on SNL.
No, I remember. But McCain can't lift his arms past his nips, that was the point people were making.
It was more like when people were scared to admit that the president had polio and he was in a wheel chair, not like Dr. Who.
No, Tina Fey said you could see Russia from her house. Palin said something different.!-Sarah-Palin
McCain looks like hes in really good shape for his age.....hes been putting on some weight......... im positive he could whoop your ass....