Nnectar for the Gods nutrients?

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
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Look! Similar looking?

I have had the same thing happen to me before, I am trying to discern what the issue is. I strongly think it is plain water or drastic pH jump. More info from you helps us all!


Well-Known Member
How much HH are you giving them during flower, in that video the maker said bloom khaos is real powerful and if your not using enough a deficiency will appear in like 12 hours.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3008040
View attachment 3008041
Look! Similar looking?

I have had the same thing happen to me before, I am trying to discern what the issue is. I strongly think it is plain water or drastic pH jump. More info from you helps us all!
Yeah looks very similar not quit as drastic as those look but then again I'm in the last week of flower with that plant. Just trying to make sure I don't see these ph issues again in 4 weeks.


Yeah looks very similar not quit as drastic as those look but then again I'm in the last week of flower with that plant. Just trying to make sure I don't see these ph issues again in 4 weeks.
That sig is truth!

I've noticed these same things on mine as they enter the last weeks. I've thought to myself that it's just a natural part of the plants finishing cycle? Should they not be? But, yes, I love the collaborative effort to figure it out!

:weed: :joint:


Well-Known Member
How much HH are you giving them during flower, in that video the maker said bloom khaos is real powerful and if your not using enough a deficiency will appear in like 12 hours.
I may be wrong but, I believe he was referring bloom khaos when foliar fed reveals deficiencies within 12 hours

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
That sig is truth!

I've noticed these same things on mine as they enter the last weeks. I've thought to myself that it's just a natural part of the plants finishing cycle? Should they not be? But, yes, I love the collaborative effort to figure it out!

:weed: :joint:
We are indoor gardeners, our plants grow fast n never reach a real fall. Thay should be predominantly green and healthy still when harvest comes around. And if anything you should see yellowing from the bottom up, not light burn looking marks on the top ¹/³ of the plant. What changes did you make before you noticed marks on your plant? PH, water with no nutrition, flush, do you hh flush, how often? I use tritons trawl with my hh when I do my flushes.... Wonder if that has any relevancy to those pictures.... More Q's than A's...


Well-Known Member
I didn't flush yet that was actually the last time I was gonna feed she got approx 3/4ths a dose of late bloom (most of my feeds are between 3/4 and full strength+ I use Nectars WHOLE lineup), her I plan on flushing tomorrow if the soil is dry enough after me overwatering a 5 gal fabric pot!? I'm pretty sure at this point it was actually due to my ph pen needing calibration, from now on I'm gonna calibrate my ph pen every month maybe more just to make sure its on point. How many tablespoons per gal of HH do you flush with at the end?


Well-Known Member
that was my thoughts as well actually you said exactly what I was thinking, I was thinking like 1 tablespoon of the aphrodites exchange and ph'd to 6.5...sound about right? and one more question I usually feed about a 1.5 gal to this plant but because of the issue should I "FLUSH" like with 3 times the normal watering or just give it its normal amount + last time i may have overwatered.

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
that was my thoughts as well actually you said exactly what I was thinking, I was thinking like 1 tablespoon of the aphrodites exchange and ph'd to 6.5...sound about right? and one more question I usually feed about a 1.5 gal to this plant but because of the issue should I "FLUSH" like with 3 times the normal watering or just give it its normal amount + last time i may have overwatered.
You don't need to put excessive liquid through if your using HH, just to about 30-40% run off. The HH bonds to salts tieing them up so they aren't in the way of new food, and the new calcium bond makes old salts now new food for microbes.

Don't see nothing wrong with 6.5, but I would go 6.3 cuz its gonna change to 6.5 6.6 soon as it starts working through the dirt, where 6.5 may shoot up to close to 7 if your dirt is 6.9 7.0

Your choice, either will b fine I'm sure, I pH high if I'm rebuffering soil pH a Lil, but if I want good consumption of food I let the dirt bring up pH to desired 6.5 6.6. You want your plant to drink that sugar!


I can't for the life of me find my notes from that particular time, but so far as my absent minded professor memory serves; I was doing a plain water flush with my modified supersoil mix and not pH'ing the water before use when I had this issue with the top leafs. As of now I'm losing a few from the bottom up and everything else is looking to be healthy. Coming weeks will determine more.

Nectar Man

New Member
This looks like potassium deficiency. Administering a soil slurry test should reveal the cause. 2 oz of active soil and 2 oz of neutral water mixed together and then dipping your pH and PPM meters directly into the slurry. This gives us a general living environment for our root systems. With the Nectar line, the ideal conditions would be a pH in the mid 6's and PPM's between 200-400. Any PPM exceeding 600 or higher will result in protein and calcium lock out. If your slurry is not in the ideal range, administering a flush with the Herculean Harvest and Olympus up adjusted to balance the salt or pH issues. IE..... if the pH in the slurry is 5.5 then doing a flush with a pH of 7.0 will buffer the organic acids in the medium, allowing for calcium to absorb into the root zone again. Or if the PPM's are over 1000 i the slurry, using 3-4 TBLS of Herculean Harvest pH to mid 6's will tie up the slats more aggressively as well as give them a calcium boost that will re-stimulate nutrient uptake. If the leaves look like this towards the bottom of the plant, this means that the plant is taking potassium from the older leaves and relocating it to the new growth. If it is occurring in the new growth, then there is not enough potassium present at the time of feeding. This is where Poseidonzime would help. Poseidonzime is a north atlantic sea kelp. Any Liquid seaweed will work to help fix and prevent this issue.

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
This looks like potassium deficiency. Administering a soil slurry test should reveal the cause. 2 oz of active soil and 2 oz of neutral water mixed together and then dipping your pH and PPM meters directly into the slurry. This gives us a general living environment for our root systems. With the Nectar line, the ideal conditions would be a pH in the mid 6's and PPM's between 200-400. Any PPM exceeding 600 or higher will result in protein and calcium lock out. If your slurry is not in the ideal range, administering a flush with the Herculean Harvest and Olympus up adjusted to balance the salt or pH issues. IE..... if the pH in the slurry is 5.5 then doing a flush with a pH of 7.0 will buffer the organic acids in the medium, allowing for calcium to absorb into the root zone again. Or if the PPM's are over 1000 i the slurry, using 3-4 TBLS of Herculean Harvest pH to mid 6's will tie up the slats more aggressively as well as give them a calcium boost that will re-stimulate nutrient uptake. If the leaves look like this towards the bottom of the plant, this means that the plant is taking potassium from the older leaves and relocating it to the new growth. If it is occurring in the new growth, then there is not enough potassium present at the time of feeding. This is where Poseidonzime would help. Poseidonzime is a north atlantic sea kelp. Any Liquid seaweed will work to help fix and prevent this issue.
Thank for the advice ; ). I'll perform the test tomorrow and post findings. I do however use poseidonzime, and I do flush with hh about every 4th time I get them wet. Should b potassium readily available... I feel like every thing should be fine, now I'm wondering if my water filters need replaced, might be chlorine in the way...

I'll do the test n go from there

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
SO you all know I'm a nectar grower what do you make of this??? Its only on the top 1/3 of the plant granted I use led's to grow Han's Panels specifically. At first I thought light burn but now I'm more leaning towards Ph imbalance and slightly overwatering with said ph imbalance
View attachment 3008040
View attachment 3008041
Look! Similar looking?

I have had the same thing happen to me before, I am trying to discern what the issue is. I strongly think it is plain water or drastic pH jump. More info from you helps us all!
Nectar man, what picture were you describing for potassium deficiency? Or both?

Nectar Man

New Member
The picture above, is this an older leaf? It appears that this leaf had potassium stolen from it and attempting to relocate it to the new growth. The other two pics with the symptoms up higher on the plant looks like they are not getting enough potassium at the time of feeding. What type of soil are the two plants that are pictured in that have the damage on the top foliage?

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
The picture above, is this an older leaf? It appears that this leaf had potassium stolen from it and attempting to relocate it to the new growth. The other two pics with the symptoms up higher on the plant looks like they are not getting enough potassium at the time of feeding. What type of soil are the two plants that are pictured in that have the damage on the top foliage?
the top leaf isnt mine, i believe a modified super soil mix is what he said earlier. The last two pix are mine and are in a stripped down sunshine peat based mix. im gonna do the test before anything else. i wanna fix this, my end result is awesome still, but i know something is wrong and i could get more back if i fix it. Oh, i dont wanna forget to say i really appreciate your time.

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
So after performing the test I get a ppm of about 400. The water had about a 140 ppm charge before I did anything to it. I don't know if you subtract that, add it, forget it lol. Anyways I made sure I got about half way down into the 7gal pot for my soil sample. The pH portion of the test I think reveals my problem. I am getting readings around 5.6!!! Omg! Thought I was keeping pH under control. I'm in a peat based mix, I know that peat drifts but i thought the Olympus up would combat the drift more. I've been feeding at like 6.2, 6.3. What should I change? I'm done with peat!


I now run a mix of Supersoil at the bottom with a top 2/3's of roots organics greenlight mixed 50/50 with botanicare pure earth. I decided to buy all new soil for this next batch but will continue to re-use soil in the future. I just needed to get a good base soil started in these first few grow's
I still can't find my modified super soil mix recipe. This is what he said he was using and that the leaf in question was in the final week of flower. I believe he also said he's using the full line-up, every watering, full strength with no ill effects.


Well-Known Member
Yes I do use the whole line up and feed extremely close to full strength every time, I use a modified blend of S.S. now, but unfortunately the plants showing deficiency don't have the SS mix underneath. The golden leaf tips only appear at the top 1/3 of the plant. The last slurry test I did on that medium, showed it to be at about 600ppm and like 6.8ph level. I just figured it was a ph thing due to getting a new meter about a month ago. Was I wrong???