The UK Growers Thread!

That's it mate I'll always find a way to get a smoke at night at least fuck trying to sleep without it, managed 1 day last week before the wife bought me a bit just to calm me down lol.

yeah my missus is the same lol I do her head in till I've a few smokes in me..oh well better then being a crack head lol
Tbf mg I dont even weigh the stuff between mates lol im that fuckin good to em lol don robbie gaz ttt pukka will vouch for that bro fuck its easy come easy go mate I aint that hard up to sort me boys out fair enough if it street rats then they get 1.4 for a £10 and they love me off for it lol obviously they get it from 1 of me runners but they know who gives the orders and its nice to know wot stuff is goin down at all levels imo haha ya gotta keep ya ears twitching and ya mouth shut in this field bro and its betta to av peeps love ya off instead of hatin jealousy is the root to all evil bro ive said it all along !! Im nice no need to be jealous mate I know wot ive got everyday lol id go mad without money or me shit round me haha
Me, chedz, zeddd......rambo can probly get some but truth is shawny we just love watching u boys suffer lol. Na m8 I think wen I get back I got about 9 left and about 5-6 are for Percy and u lot wouldn't pay the price Im puttin on the rest

Aye you ain't cheap are ya lol you like watching us suffer haha some skin you are ;) inbox me a price mate see if we can sort sumthin
Tbf mg I dont even weigh the stuff between mates lol im that fuckin good to em lol don robbie gaz ttt pukka will vouch for that bro fuck its easy come easy go mate I aint that hard up to sort me boys out fair enough if it street rats then they get 1.4 for a £10 and they love me off for it lol obviously they get it from 1 of me runners but they know who gives the orders and its nice to know wot stuff is goin down at all levels imo haha ya gotta keep ya ears twitching and ya mouth shut in this field bro and its betta to av peeps love ya off instead of hatin jealousy is the root to all evil bro ive said it all along !! Im nice no need to be jealous mate I know wot ive got everyday lol id go mad without money or me shit round me haha

chedz I don't even deal in bags anymore usuallybut have a m8 that'll shift them out at that price for me, I shift the heavier shift and usually keep the rest to mesel but I feel I've a few extra this run so fuck it, may as well make the most from them........when it comes to close m8s I'm too fuckin generous but close m8s are few and far between these days
Aye you ain't cheap are ya lol you like watching us suffer haha some skin you are ;) inbox me a price mate see if we can sort sumthin

Shawny I'm rid of most off mine and only a few left to get rid of tht I plan on makin top dollar on so ud be best speakin to chedz or something m8 , sorry lad
Neca heard a true word mg they can come and go like the wind mate ive a small circle of lads that av been with me from thin and thick mate ill neva get shit on by em neva mate they are more of family than my real family mate and would do anythin for me bro hence why misses and kids were looked after while me being in pen bro
Neca heard a true word mg they can come and go like the wind mate ive a small circle of lads that av been with me from thin and thick mate ill neva get shit on by em neva mate they are more of family than my real family mate and would do anythin for me bro hence why misses and kids were looked after while me being in pen bro

Hard to find m8s like that chedz, and ther worth holdin onto. I'd say I've 3 I'd trust with me life and only about three in my family I could say the same about lol
Yh even tho I got ££££ does nt mean shit bro ya can neva av enough to stop ya goin down mate believe me if they got ya banged to rights ya might aswell go guilty and do ya rip mate they can lock me up but cant stop the fingers on tha clock bro jus smile all the way it hurts them more than it hurts u mate let me tell ya haha
chedz I don't even deal in bags anymore usuallybut have a m8 that'll shift them out at that price for me, I shift the heavier shift and usually keep the rest to mesel but I feel I've a few extra this run so fuck it, may as well make the most from them........when it comes to close m8s I'm too fuckin generous but close m8s are few and far between these days

ur fucking bang on there mate I've honestly one friend id consider close n even then he doesn't know shit lol
Hard to find m8s like that chedz, and ther worth holdin onto. I'd say I've 3 I'd trust with me life and only about three in my family I could say the same about lol

YH mate trust me ive knew em all me life mate went to reception with em the lot broke bone together cried together the works mate you ll not find many like that they were put on this earth for us mate in hard an good times !!