5x Dj short's Blueberries..Completely dedicated to our member 'eastcoastmo'


Well-Known Member
So here we are guyz.How do they look :) ? this is a huge ass cola :).Different structure yet they bud quite well!! Some kitty love as well



Well-Known Member
looking great dude but one thing I would suggest and this is by no means a criticism, but I would start lollipopping all lower growth during veg/before you flip to bloom cycle. could lower leaf issues be due to splashing when watering? 3 finger yellow leaf quite normal at that stage of growth id say.


Well-Known Member
Running out of Space is a Telltale sign of Growers Kreep! WooHoo!

If you dont have any GA (Growers Anon) meetings locally, you could always Join us in our Online Meetings!

The Blotchy Spots are Calcium Def, usually caused by ph being out of range. I would just double check the ph before feeding since it is very minor.

BTW... BEAUTIFUL Cat! They DO make AWESOME Lap Warmers this time of Year!



Well-Known Member
looking great dude but one thing I would suggest and this is by no means a criticism, but I would start lollipopping all lower growth during veg/before you flip to bloom cycle. could lower leaf issues be due to splashing when watering? 3 finger yellow leaf quite normal at that stage of growth id say.
Some of the lower leaves might be from splashing.I thought of that myself.I'm being careful right now..I fed today,and i removed the pots from the tent to do so.Yeah.Well if it's to compare them to my previous grow...That's somthig else.I could go ahead and say that they are 4 times bigger :D

Running out of Space is a Telltale sign of Growers Kreep! WooHoo!

If you dont have any GA (Growers Anon) meetings locally, you could always Join us in our Online Meetings!

The Blotchy Spots are Calcium Def, usually caused by ph being out of range. I would just double check the ph before feeding since it is very minor.

BTW... BEAUTIFUL Cat! They DO make AWESOME Lap Warmers this time of Year!

Ah well.I don't really know what's a GA but i would love to join.I usually water at 6.8-7.0.Calcium is available at that range..I should assume it's depleted and feed some dolomitic lime ? They probably need at least 2 weeks to finish.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for being here guyz.I do appreciate your concern! This cat sure is a nice company :).


Well-Known Member
any help to you? I would lower ph to 6.3-6.5 to start. also be careful not to overwater, just wait until the pot feels light compared to just after a watering.



Well-Known Member
Xm....biobizz soil comes at 6.6 when purchased.I don't overwater.The plants were watered and fed when i was taking the photos.They are healthy and they have about 12 hour of light to whack off any excess water.I'm keeping it moist,not drenched.And yeah! when the pot feels light is the way to go.I got myself some Ph down long ago but i don't think that this time,ph is the problem.I was looking this chart a while ago.It sure helps,and it does confirm what i said.A ph near 7 would still keep calcium available.So i'm concluding to a Cal def,that needs to be fed..


Well-Known Member
kinda regretting my last post here as its pretty obvious you know your stuff, just thought id put my 2 pennies worth in when I was baked... oops!!!! :-[


Well-Known Member
kinda regretting my last post here as its pretty obvious you know your stuff, just thought id put my 2 pennies worth in when I was baked... oops!!!! :-[
Hahaha..are you even serious mate ? I'm posting here to listen to everyone and learn from everybody.I'm excluding what i did and at what stage those plants are..I could be wrong or i could be right..who knows :D ? I gave it a shop and i'll check it tomorrow..Don't regret a thing man,i'm not being judgemental at all.And by all means i do not know my stuff ..heh :D


Well-Known Member
Got to apologize about my room.I'm a stoner guyz.The only room i'm keeping tidy is my grow room.Truth be told heh.I've adjusted the lights a little better,so the output gets more canopy instead of reflective material,i was stupid enough not to see it ? Well it's fixed.1st pic of the canopy is 3 days old ? or 4 ! The second is 20min old.I've also fed 1/4 dose today(where i could,some got ~1/ 8 ) .Will jump to 1/2 soon.!!


Well-Known Member
Damn that auto is looking pretty fat :-D
How big are the seedlings in the dome? You can probably take the lid off if the one you can see in the photo is anything to go by ;)


Well-Known Member
how does that look :) ? i think dolomite lime helped a little . more tomorrow..i've treated the other plant as well..!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words everyone.I'm really proud of her haha :D . Gotta give some credit to GHS for this Green-O strain.I like the couch locking giggles this strain gives..(that's the second run with this strain..) . More to come..!!


Well-Known Member
Damn that auto is looking pretty fat :-D
How big are the seedlings in the dome? You can probably take the lid off if the one you can see in the photo is anything to go by ;)
AH well..There is a clone in the dome made from one of my autos.It was the most vigorous one,and it is still taller than the rest...WITH double branching.KC brains has some fucking monsters.I do believe tho that the rest would like a little more nutes,that's why they're not that big.Well i'll be setting up my flowering tent..It's already there,i just need to install ventillation..light..and PLANTS :).But i won't be moving them until i get my circulation fans.


Well-Known Member
Oh lol, dude the auto clone wont grow much, it will already be into flowering before it roots. Worth a try though hey ;)
Sweet man, get that flower room setup so we can watch :-D