do you believe in aliens?


Well-Known Member
1995 in China.

Again, no vert or hori stab.
No rotors.
No gondola.
No collision avoidance lights.

Same shape observed in Deutschland 2 years prior.


Obviously swamp gas...


Well-Known Member
somewhere out there on some distant planet there right now is an alien creationist tryign to prove we dont exist


Well-Known Member
Saying that Aliens were responsible for the pyramids or stone henge or big rock heads or any other "pre history hard to understand how they did it" is a fucking insult to some very hard working mother fuckers from our past.
You know I've been thinking on Strax's comment today. I never looked at it this way, but you are right. I am suddenly full of rage for the pre-Columbians who dedicated their lives to such things only to have the credit stripped from them. I would be all "hey man, I worked hard on that."

You sir are a super sleuth. :wink:

We didn't see any ruins because fishing, bird watching and the pool kept our schedule full.
I am guessing that you made the right choice. The ruins aren't going anywhere. You did a hell of a write up. It took the "blowhard" card out of Scoobie's deck. I'm glad it happened, glad you had a good time and glad you guys are friends.


Well-Known Member
I think with possibly millions of planets we cannot be alone.
Space is still expanding at light years.
Times by that by time past and planets formed and there has to be another habitable planet with life.
We find bacteria in space.
(Fossils but still that's something)
When ancient knowledge is taken into account, it becomes clear that we are only Earth, and there are (infinite) other civilizations out there. Just Look and you will find the evidence ;-)_~ It's everywhere is just one source of interest /


New Member
Seriously some crazy stuff on those first few pages, but seriously aliens cameo'ing and having heat sources of red comin off them wtf dude seriously, crazy. They probably exist out there but that's ... Far out haha


Active Member
Seriously some crazy stuff on those first few pages, but seriously aliens cameo'ing and having heat sources of red comin off them wtf dude seriously, crazy. They probably exist out there but that's ... Far out haha

"In an automated and computerized voice" - do not hate the player, hate the game.

I guess I could elaborate if I can find my dang hat. :) what would you like to know?


Active Member
IR would be an interference with the "camo" to prevent damaging radiation leakage to a human of close proximal distance. It would be for safety in less than 10ft-20ft, or so? :)

technology is amazing, not perfect. Think about what "light" is, radiation. Radiation in a narrow band we call "visible light", but radiation, none the less. How much radiation is needed to effectively bend light? What if the light needed to be "phased" with a type of flux at a rate of faster than 24-frames (or so) per second - could we see it? Would they need to diffuse 1000-frames per second or just about 50 or so? To be a perfect bend on light, imagine the issues which could arise. It is not a "TV" screen, this suit can bend around matter as well. - you can hit it and it will go though. (energy)

camo and mass diffusion. lots of energy.

to tell the truth, you would be gifted if they let you touch them, or try to hurt them. I keep thinking of ancient stories to write about when people were instantly burned alive for even trying to "up-right" the Arc of Moses. (washing)
