Chinese LED Grow – 75 (actual draw) Watts per plant veg/100W per plant flower


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking they're inside that panel/board where the LED's are, didn't went to take it apart too much, removing the boards would have been a bit of work. They run very cool and almost noiseless, they have to be running them under that panel (pic #6), there's about a 1 1/2 to 2" space there so they could easily fit them in there.
Damn, now I'm going to have to take one completely apart, can't leave any questions open - lol Will put it on my task list, but not before I get back to finishing my flower room, I need it done in 3-4 weeks to flower these babies!


Well-Known Member
Damn, now I'm going to have to take one completely apart, can't leave any questions open - lol Will put it on my task list, but not before I get back to finishing my flower room, I need it done in 3-4 weeks to flower these babies!
Sounds good brotha. I'm looking to buy a couple of these and want to know.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good brotha. I'm looking to buy a couple of these and want to know.
Yeah, pretty sure they're under that cover, here's a quote from their marketing hype on the e-bay site where I bought it.

"Does this light put off much heat?
LEDs are the most efficient lights in existence today. They produce so little heat; you can actually let the plant touch the light (although it's not recommended - as you will reduce the size of your growing area). Any heat produced by the unit is absorbed by the heat sink and dissipated by the fans in the rear of the light."


Well-Known Member
Hi all, weekly update. We're at day 32 since I panted the seeds in the party cups, 2 days since I transplanted them into pots and put them in the veg cabinet. It's been a good week, they really took off this week.

Watered and fed at 375 ppm Wednesday, watered them today (4 days). Went water only, no nutes today.
Temps are in the 74-77F lights on, 62-65 lights off
Humidity is 45-50 lights on, 60-65 lights off
Fimmed all, Feb. 28th
Installed LST tubes, no LST yet, likely start some this week on the JTR sats, will leave the indicas alone for a bit and see how they shape up

In keeping with the original plan, moved the larger 7Gal pot with JTR1 (Twins) into the tent, it'll veg with 2 new PBK seedlings I transplanted from cups today. Eventually hope to get a few clones off the twins.

This now leaves 2x PBK, 1x JTR in the veg cabinet. 200W on 3 plants during veg, 300W starting 1 week before flip to 12/12 and through flowering. Will veg for another 3-4 weeks, they'll tell me when they want to flower...

Veg cabinet now:

Individual closer pics of each one in the cabinet:
JTR2, smaller of the two JTR's but I'm liking the way this one is shaping up, like I split it by LST'ng but doing it on its own
PBK1, larger of the two PBK's, close up under the canopy of new growth coming up, looking nice an healthy
PBK2, smaller but holding its own

JTR1 Twins, moved into the tent under 300W (125/200) with two freshly transplanted PBK's. Keep in mind the twins are in a 7Gal, 14" diameter pot, not bad for Day 32...

Some before/after cam shots of the original 4 in the veg cabinet, pics are taken 6 days apart...


Well-Known Member
Thanks aphrodisia, hope to continue the fast growth through the next 3 weeks, they always seem to explode from week 3-7. If they continue at the current rate I'll likely have to flip them in about 3 weeks as don't want to over do the veg in those 3Gal pots.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man stoked to see how they do in flowering cuz i really want to get a 300w panel too your just using the led panel right no other type of lights? I'm just running cfls right now but I have a grow tent on the way and my next step will be that panel but till than I'll be using cfls and maybe some cree bulbs just not sure what watt yet do you have any ideas?


Well-Known Member
I've got one of the 600 watt panels like his in a 2'x4' area and it provides excellent coverage and canopy penetration, same manufacturer and everything

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Well-Known Member
Looks good man stoked to see how they do in flowering cuz i really want to get a 300w panel too your just using the led panel right no other type of lights? I'm just running cfls right now but I have a grow tent on the way and my next step will be that panel but till than I'll be using cfls and maybe some cree bulbs just not sure what watt yet do you have any ideas?
Hey thanks nvhak, I'm running these panels only for this round to see what they can do on their own. So far so good, will be posting weekly updates so you can get an idea of what they can do. Compared to cfl's, my vote would be to go with the LED panels, they're definitely more efficient than cfl's. Haven't needed any LED bulbs so I'm not up on what's out there personally, hearing that the cres are definitely the favourite, maybe someone else can suggest something. I think the 10w bulbs are the sweet pot price wise right now but don't keep a close enough eye on them. Prices keep dropping so efficiency wise I'd be using LED bulbs vs cfl's if I didn't have the panels.

Price shopping you may want to try ebay. Haven't looked lately but the way I bought my panels was through easyhydro on ebay. They sell these and MARS but between the two I think these are better deigned panels. I'd wait for them to go on auction, at the time they were putting up a few panels a week on auction, different sizes. Someone had posted another retailer at one point, don't know how they compare price-wise though.


Well-Known Member
I've got one of the 600 watt panels like his in a 2'x4' area and it provides excellent coverage and canopy penetration, same manufacturer and everything

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Nice, they'd have good coverage in the 2x4 or 3x3 the way they're configured, they'll grow out some nice plants :)


Well-Known Member
You can get these panels at . That's the companies retail site, but if you have the time bidding could possibly get em to ya cheaper. The 600 watt panel us $330 free shipping and the 450 watt it's $280. Easyhydro is the companies Ebay store so you'd still be getting em from them directly and they have a warehouse in new Jersey so shipping time isn't bad

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Well-Known Member
You can get these panels at . That's the companies retail site, but if you have the time bidding could possibly get em to ya cheaper. The 600 watt panel us $330 free shipping and the 450 watt it's $280. Easyhydro is the companies Ebay store so you'd still be getting em from them directly and they have a warehouse in new Jersey so shipping time isn't bad

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Yeah, the topledegrowlight pricing seems consistent with the ebay pricing, if you can get them on auction you can shave off another 15-25%, depending on how many bidders and how hight they go. I found the best pricing and most panels on auction in December, they were probably trying to clear out some inventory for year-end. And yes, they stock in the US so to the US delivery would be 1-2 days, to Canada they were average 4-5 days shipped from the US which is about right, they spend a couple of days clearing customs.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone use these panels for flowering yet, if so how did they do?
I just put 3 plants into flowering 4 Day's ago under my 600 watt panel, first time flowering under leds so I'm not sure exactly how well it'll do but I've got faith in it

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Well-Known Member
Oh ok cool I'll have to follow on that grow and see how it does , cuz I'm really thinking of buying a 300w panel soon, I was gunna go hid but I would like to to keep the electric bill low if I can help it haha.


Well-Known Member
The only thing is that I've read that with led you want at least 100 Watts per plant flowering, led panels will usually only run at 55-60% of their advertised wattage. With mine at 600 I'm only looking at probably about 330 actual Watts which still comes out to 110 Watts per plant. I'm not sure if I'd run a panel rated at 300 Watts to flower more than 1 plant, just my opinion though I could be wrong

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Well-Known Member
Oh ok I'll have to look into it for sure and see what I would need to do, I still have a week or so till i will flip my plant to 12/12 but ill do some research on that see what is needed!


Well-Known Member
The only thing is that I've read that with led you want at least 100 Watts per plant flowering, led panels will usually only run at 55-60% of their advertised wattage. With mine at 600 I'm only looking at probably about 330 actual Watts which still comes out to 110 Watts per plant. I'm not sure if I'd run a panel rated at 300 Watts to flower more than 1 plant, just my opinion though I could be wrong
I've run one of these panels through a full run including flowering, but only once and I felt I didn't have enough power, a 300W (200 actual) on 3 plants. Plus I had a lot of environmental issues through flowering with a very cold snap and a couple of major power outages. Even with all those factors I still pulled 4.5 oz, but the buds weren't what I would consider nice buds and I should have pulled about 9 oz for how long I vegged them.

That's essentially why I posted this run on here, I have my environment dialled in and a couple of LED runs indoor (was new to indoor around this time last year, had grown outdoors for 30+ years though, so not a total newbie, just indoor) so I feel I can run a good consistent environment in this one to give the panels a fair shot at flowering.

What I noticed in the first 2 runs is they did very well at veg. But when it came to flowering, with the amount of light I had, they took forever to finish and the buds were good quality but small and not as dense as I expected. Those runs were with a very well known strain and one i had grown outdoor for a few years so I knew what they COULD produce outdoor, was very disappointed with the quality and yield indoor. BUT again, there were too many variables, screw ups etc so I blame myself, not the panels. In this run, if I give them 100W per plant to flower, keep the environment at optimum and they don't produce, then I'll move on and likely just use them for vegging...

Technically I feel these panels can do a nice grow, particularly for the money. We'll see if I've learned anything in 30 years of outdoor and a year indoor - lol


Well-Known Member
I've run one of these panels through a full run including flowering, but only once and I felt I didn't have enough power, a 300W (200 actual) on 3 plants. Plus I had a lot of environmental issues through flowering with a very cold snap and a couple of major power outages. Even with all those factors I still pulled 4.5 oz, but the buds weren't what I would consider nice buds and I should have pulled about 9 oz for how long I vegged them.

That's essentially why I posted this run on here, I have my environment dialled in and a couple of LED runs indoor (was new to indoor around this time last year, had grown outdoors for 30+ years though, so not a total newbie, just indoor) so I feel I can run a good consistent environment in this one to give the panels a fair shot at flowering.

What I noticed in the first 2 runs is they did very well at veg. But when it came to flowering, with the amount of light I had, they took forever to finish and the buds were good quality but small and not as dense as I expected. Those runs were with a very well known strain and one i had grown outdoor for a few years so I knew what they COULD produce outdoor, was very disappointed with the quality and yield indoor. BUT again, there were too many variables, screw ups etc so I blame myself, not the panels. In this run, if I give them 100W per plant to flower, keep the environment at optimum and they don't produce, then I'll move on and likely just use them for vegging...

Technically I feel these panels can do a nice grow, particularly for the money. We'll see if I've learned anything in 30 years of outdoor and a year indoor - lol
the 600 watt panel puts off allot of light so I've got faith in it. I plan on closing off a 2'x4' area for another flower room and was thinking 2 of the 450 watt panels would go nicely in there, but it probably won't be till after I finish with this first grow

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